Referral Patterns

This figure is a geographically blinded example of the interactive mapping tool we have developed using data from the Early Transplant Access Registry, depicting patterns of referral for transplant evaluation from dialysis facilities to a single transplant center for patients with new-onset ESKD during 2017-2018. 

The interactive layers of this figure (accessed using the "form" button in top right corner of the map) allow users to visualize patient-count weighted pathways from patient residential zip code centroids (green circles) to dialysis facilities (light purple circles), in addition to referral pathways from dialysis facilities (light purple circles) to transplant centers (dark purple stars). 

We are currently developing personalized data visualization tools that will be made available to each transplant center submitting data to the Early Transplant Access Registry with a confidential login. These tools will allow participating transplant centers to visualize the geography of the patients who are referred and the dialysis facilities providing these referrals, as well as changes in these referral patterns over time.