First Session F2F

Welcome to the REED - Enjoying JHS! Course.

We have built this course entirely for you, in order to make your JHS experience more fun, motivating, engaging and less frustrating and exhausting. Because JHS students can be exhausting. Teenagers today are extremely different from when we ourselves were teenagers (even if you are under 30 years of age). They are digital natives, who live on social media and they have been thrust into a world where there are no secrets. These students are constantly being exposed to information "above their age grade". In addition, they are in school preparing for a world about which we have no clue what it will look like in a decade from now, when they enter the workforce. So, how do we propose to teach them English?????

Join Course Whatsapp Group for important messages and sharing!

Watch these two clips about our teenagers

Teachers in JHS require a bit of whimsy, lots of creativity and a healthy dose of humor.

Make the lessons active, engaging and fun, with a variety of activities which will motivate your students to want to come to class, to learn and above all to behave!

REED has created a JHS Handbook (linked also to the Intro page) as well as a GoogleSite for REED Challenges (to keep your strong students happy - it's explained in Session 6) and now this online course especially for JHS teachers.

Each session will include:

  • At least one related video clip
  • Readings about the topic
  • A required Google search for more ideas
  • A place to share your own ideas with the group, and to learn from others
  • A TIP for a fun activity related to the topic

We hope you enjoy it.

Judie and the REED team

Task One

After watching Adele's tutorial, scan the barcode to type in the shortened URL to go into this GoogleSite on your phone/tablet/laptop.

In pairs, choose one the articles below and read it together. Discuss the main idea and choose two examples that you can relate to from the text and write them down.

You will be asked to share them with the group.

Task Two

Click here on the Introduction Google Slides Presentation*.

  • Take a selfie or have someone else take your photo.
  • Choose an unused slide and write your name and school name in the title bar.
  • Paste the photo on the slide and write a few words about why the photo is special.
  • Use the comment function to say hello to someone else in the group.


*If you do not know how to collaborate in a Googleslide presentation, see the tutorial at the bottom of this webpage

REED Enjoying JHS Session One

Time to ask questions (if there are any....)

Speaking one at a time, answer the following questions:

  • What makes teaching English in JHS special?
  • What makes teaching English in JHS challenging?
  • Name one thing you will take away from this session.
Enjoying JHS Session One (Responses)