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Could i get a HWID Reset? I bought a new PC.

Situation 1

  • Staff: Do you have your old pc?

  • Customer: No, i sold it.

  • Staff: Do you have the invoice of the new one?

  • Customer: Yes i do. (image.png)

  • Staff: Thank you. Can you please send the annoucement you made when you sold your pc? Or the negociation you had with your pc buyer like the new pc?

  • Customer: Yes. (image.png)

  • Staff: Thank you. @HWID PERMS ( Customer Username ) New PC

Situation 2

  • Staff: Do you have your old pc?

  • Customer: No, i sold it

  • Staff: Do you got an invoice of the new pc?

  • Customer: No i bought the pc on second hand. ( Image.png )

  • Staff: Can you please send prints of the negociation you had with your pc seller, showing him talking about the pc configs, the place to meet and the price.

  • Customer: Ok! ( Image.png )

  • Staff: Thank you. Can you please send the annoucement you made when you sold your pc? Or the negociation you had with your pc buyer like the new pc?

  • Customer: Yes! (image.png)

  • Staff: Thank you. @HWID PERMS ( Customer Username ) New PC

Situation 3

  • Staff: Do you got an invoice?

  • Customer: No sorry

  • Staff: Do you still got your old pc?

  • Customer: Yes

  • Staff: Could you record a video from your phone So the video needs to include: No cuts Both PC’s showing the hour and date. Old PC: logged into loader New PC: trying to login to the loader Discord open in the background and lastly open WINDOWS + R and type msinfo32 and show that clearly, so we can read.

  • Customer: Video.mp4

  • Staff: Thank you. @HWID PERMS ( Customer Username ) New PC

Situation 4

  • Staff: Do you got an invoice?

  • Customer: No

  • Staff: Do you still got your old pc?

  • Customer: No

  • Staff: Reset Denied for lack of proofs

Ps: If there is any special situation that you dont know how to deal, feel free to ping some other staff or ask him your doubts.

Could i get a HWID Reset? I (spoofed / formated / windows updated) my pc.

Situation 1

  • Staff: Can you send a print of the error when you login on rE, please?

  • Customer: Yes! (image.png)

  • Staff: @HWID PERMS ( Customer Username ) Spoofer/Format/Bios update

Note: You don't need any proof for spoof / format / windows up/downgrade.

Could i get a HWID Reset? I bought a new (Graphic Card, Mainboard etc.).

Situation 1

  • Staff: Do you have your old boxes parts?

  • Customer: No, I sold them.

  • Staff: Can you please send the annoucement you made when you sold your old parts? Or the negociation you had with your pc buyer like the new pc?

  • Yes, i can. (image.png)

  • Staff: Can you send the new parts invoice?

  • Customer: Yes, i can. (image.png)

  • Staff: Thank you. @HWID PERMS ( Username ) New PC Parts.

Situation 2

  • Staff: Do you got an invoice of your new pc part?

  • Customer: No sorry

  • Staff: Do you got the old boxes?

  • Customer: No, i sold them.

  • Staff: Can you please send the annoucement you made when you sold your old parts? Or the negociation you had with your pc buyer like the new pc?

  • Customer: Sure ( image.png )

  • Staff: Do you have the new pc parts boxes?

  • Customer: Yes, i do.

  • Staff: Can you please send a photo of them with the discord ticket on the background?

  • Customer: Yes, i can. (Image.png)

  • Staff: Thank you. @HWID PERMS ( Customer Username ) New PC Parts.

Situation 3

  • Staff: Do you got an invoice of your new pc part?

  • Customer: No sorry

  • Staff: Do you got the new and old boxes?

  • Customer: Yes

  • Staff: Take one or more pictures of them all side by side, the old ones and on side of them new ones.

  • Customer: Sure ( image.png )

  • Staff: Thank you. @HWID PERMS ( Customer Username ) New PC Parts.

Could i get a HWID Reset? I don't know the reason.

Situation 1

  • Staff: Could you please send a print of the error when you login on rE?

  • Customer: Yes! (image.png)

  • Staff: @HWID PERMS ( Customer Username ) Doesn't know why.

Could i get a HWID Reset? I'm using a Shadow(any cloud pc).

Situation 1: We don't reset from pc to shadow.

Situation 1 : If it is the first time using a shadow vm.

  • Staff: Could you please record a video with your phone including this steps: Record your pc screen once, with no cuts, Login on rE with your normal pc, and show the injection page on the loader, Show the conversation on the ticket, lastly open your cloud pc, and try to login and show the hwid error

  • Customer: Ok! (video.mp4)

  • Staff: @HWID PERMS ( Customer Username ) Shadow vm

Situation 2 : If it is the same shadow.

  • Staff: Can you send a print of the error?

  • Customer: Ok! (Image.png)

  • @HWID PERMS ( Customer Username ) Same Shadow vm

Situation 3 : If it is a new shadow, but the custumer hwid is locked on his old shadow.

  • Staff: Can you send the invoice of your new shadow showing the date? (it needs to be a recent receipt, at least 1-4 days from the day he opened the ticket, otherwise it gets a bit suspect)

  • Customer: Ok! (Image.png)

  • @HWID PERMS ( Customer Username ) New Shadow vm