Gabapentin tablets


Most of the tablet's reputation is to treat neurological diseases and epilepsy. It usually comes with symptoms such as dizziness and nausea, blurred vision, and fatigue. The way this drug works is to affect the nerves and chemicals that cause pain and seizures.

To prevent migraines, it has also been shown to be prescribed. The researchers believe that bipolar disorder can be treated with this pill, but nothing has been confirmed.

The tablet is taken as capsule of 100 milligrams and is excreted in the kidneys after a while. Its name is Gabapentin, but it is known for its names such as Gralise, Horizant, Neurontin and Gabarone.

Complications of gabapentin tablets

Drowsiness after taking pills

Lose dizziness to the tablet consumer

Imbalance and loss of balance and the likelihood of falling

The problem of blurred vision

Having two nose for a while

Abnormal eye movements are shaky.

Probability of constipation

Unusual fever

Possible swelling of the glands

Jaundice skin and face

Eye jaundice

Abnormal fatigue that the tablet consumer may have nothing to do.

Darkening of the urine

Change the size of the urine, or decrease it much before taking the pill

Chest pain

Boom in the body

Skin rash

Inflammation of the face

Inflammation of the tongue

Inflammation of the throat

Respiratory problems


Fluid retention

Weight gain and obesity

joint's pain

Viral infection

How and when to take gabapentin tablets

The amount of drug intake is not constant and your doctor will determine who to take this medicine and how much it is taken on a daily basis. On average, it will take between three and six pills a day. Drug use can be done without attention. To be food.

There are no special conditions to keep this drug and the same general conditions for all medications that should be placed in a dry place, away from direct light, and can be stripped in the dramas.

Gobapentin tablets


Seizure control

Headache treatment

Nervous pains

Lower back pain

Unsafe items

This tablet has uses among the general public that the properties of this drug are not approved for these uses.

Consumption to quit alcohol

To quit cocaine from the body

To treat and stop hiccups

Treatment for restless leg syndrome

Prevent sweating

Some headaches

Diabetic neuropathy

Treatment and prevention of hot flashes

Treatment of fibromyalgia