Error:Failed to open zip file.

Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a network connection timeout.)

Re-download dependencies and sync project (requires network)

Re-download dependencies and sync project (requires network)

to values identical to another project I had recently created with Android Studio 2.2 and updated SDK. Could then sync gradle. Did Build->Build Clean with no issues. Then did Run->Clean and Rerun and project ran fine.

Re-download Dependencies And Sync Project (requires Network)

Download File 🔥 🔥

ERROR: Unable to find method '' org.gradle.api.tasks.SourceSetOutput.getClassesDir()''.Possible causes for this unexpected error include:Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a network connection timeout.)Re-download dependencies and sync project (requires network)

Unable to find method ''java.lang.String org.gradle.api.artifacts.result.ComponentSelectionReason.getDescription()''.

Possible causes for this unexpected error include:

Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a network connection timeout.)

Re-download dependencies and sync project (requires network)

Sometimes it's useful to do a reload followed by a full rebuild, by going to the Build menu and selecting Rebuild Project. This is a good way to make sure the whole project is fully synced and building correctly.

By default, external dependencies are fetched as needed during bazel build. Ifyou would like to prefetch the dependencies needed for a specific set of targets, usebazel fetch.To unconditionally fetch all external dependencies, usebazel sync.As fetched repositories are stored in the output base, fetchinghappens per workspace.

Both dependencies A and B depend on testrunner, but they depend ondifferent versions of testrunner. There is no reason for these test runners tonot peacefully coexist within myproject, however they will clash with eachother since they have the same name. To declare both dependencies,update myproject/WORKSPACE:

By default, Bazel will only re-download external dependencies if theirdefinition changes. Changes to files referenced in the definition (e.g., patchesor BUILD files) are also taken into account by bazel.

However, bazel allows the execution of arbitrary commands in repository rules,without knowing if they call out to the network. Therefore, bazel has no optionto enforce builds being fully offline. So testing if a build works correctlyoffline requires external blocking of the network, as bazel does in itsbootstrap test.

At times, the Gradle Dependency Cache can become out of sync with the actual state of the configured repositories.Perhaps a repository was initially misconfigured, or perhaps a "non-changing" module was published incorrectly.To refresh all dependencies in the dependency cache, use the --refresh-dependencies option on the command line.

When you add dependencies, Go tools also create a go.sum file that containschecksums of modules you depend on. Go uses this to verify the integrity ofdownloaded module files, especially for other developers working on yourproject.

Installing Android software is probably the most challenging part of this project. It takes times - from 30 minutes to n hours to forever - depending on your luck, your programming knowledge, and your PC. You probably need a fairly decent PC (with 8GB RAM) and 10GB of free disk space to run the Android emulator!!! Running on "actual" Android phone/tablet requires much lesser resources.

Whenever possible, it is recommended to have a single version policy in yourproject. This is required for dependencies that you compile against and end upin your final binary. But for cases where this isn't true, it is possible toshadow dependencies. Consider the following scenario:

On IPv6-only machines, Bazel will be able to download dependencies withno changes. On dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 machines, however, Bazel follows the sameconvention as Java: if IPv4 is enabled, IPv4 is preferred. In some situations,for example when IPv4 network is unable to resolve/reach external addresses,this can cause Network unreachable exceptions and build failures.In these cases, you can override Bazel's behavior to prefer IPv6by using system property.Specifically:

Bazel only reads dependencies listed in your WORKSPACE file. If your project(A) depends on another project (B) which lists a dependency on a thirdproject (C) in its WORKSPACE file, you'll have to add both Band C to your project's WORKSPACE file. This requirement can balloon theWORKSPACE file size, but limits the chances of having one libraryinclude C at version 1.0 and another include C at 2.0.

When I try to cargo vendor, it is still trying to connect to where I cannot. From my experiments, to vendor a project, it requires *.crate files under the folder /home/.cargo/registry/cache. What I mean is if *.crate files are exists under cache folder then cargo vendor --offline is working. However if these files are not present, then vendoring isnt working. Is it possible to vendor crates that I downloaded from github without connecting ? Or Do I have to connect to internet once and then go to offline?

What I have noticed is that, at this final error message, the missing dependencies are for the crates that I want to implement on the project. But for this error, it couldnt find "proc-macro2" crate which is dependent for my project and I already add it to my Cargo.toml file. What am I missing? Am I try to do something silly?

I guess you have 2 machines - one has internet connection but you can't code on it, and one without internet connection and where your code lives. Like downloading from the github, the vendoring step only requires the Cargo.toml file to list required dependencies, and should be performed in the machine with internet access. After the vendoring you have a directory with all the files needed. Copy them to the machine with your code.

By default, external dependencies are fetched as needed during bazel build. If you would like to prefetch the dependencies needed for a specific set of targets, use bazel fetch. To unconditionally fetch all external dependencies, use bazel sync. As fetched repositories are stored in the output base, fetching happens per workspace.

Whenever possible, it is recommended to have a single version policy in your project. This is required for dependencies that you compile against and end up in your final binary. But for cases where this isn't true, it is possible to shadow dependencies. Consider the following scenario:

Both dependencies A and B depend on testrunner, but they depend on different versions of testrunner. There is no reason for these test runners to not peacefully coexist within myproject, however they will clash with each other since they have the same name. To declare both dependencies, update myproject/WORKSPACE:

By default, Bazel will only re-download external dependencies if their definition changes. Changes to files referenced in the definition (e.g., patches or BUILD files) are also taken into account by bazel.

However, bazel allows the execution of arbitrary commands in repository rules, without knowing if they call out to the network. Therefore, bazel has no option to enforce builds being fully offline. So testing if a build works correctly offline requires external blocking of the network, as bazel does in its bootstrap test.

All Hex packages you download are cached in ~/.hex which means that if your network is down and you need to fetch the package again the cache will be used as a fallback. You can force the cache to be used by setting the environment flag HEX_OFFLINE=1. Additionally, all your dependencies are locked in the mix.lock file to ensure you always get the same versions that were initially fetched and locked.

First of mix deps.get will not do anything if you already have fetched dependencies in the projects deps/ directory and they match the lock. If dependencies are missing in deps/ or they do not match the lockfile they will be fetched.

This cargo subcommand will vendor all and git dependencies for aproject into the specified directory at . After this command completesthe vendor directory specified by will contain all remote sources fromdependencies specified. Additional manifests beyond the default one can bespecified with the -s option.

By default, when installing NuGet packages, corresponding package dependencies will also be installed in your project. To avoid the installation of dependent packages, choose the Ignore Dependencies option in the Dependency behavior drop-down in NuGet Package Manager.

Package Restore installs the direct dependencies of a project as needed and then installs any dependencies of these packages throughout the entire dependency graph. When the project is opened or compiled, all the added NuGet packages will be restored. Follow these steps to use this feature:

In the Microsoft universe, reusable code comes in the shape of pre-built assemblies (.dlls). When you decide to include these in your project, they are referred to as project dependencies. If your project is small, it might have just a couple of dependencies, but most production-grade software will have lots. This comes with increased complexity in managing these dependencies.

But reusing code as assemblies can be a tedious and complex process, especially when dealing with huge projects that have many dependencies. Keeping track of all the required dependencies, making sure they are available in all environments and with the correct version, reconciling versions in the dependency tree, and managing cascading dependencies can be time-consuming and error-prone.

NOTE: For .NET Framework projects and more generally for non-SDK-style projects, the package dependencies are by default stored separately in a packages.config file in a similar fashion and with a similar dynamic.

The advantage of using NuGet is that your project is self-sufficient even without the actual installed packages (i.e. the .dlls). As long as the package dependencies are correctly described in the .csproj file (or the packages.config file), you can clone/copy your project code to another machine and get it to build and run in no time. ff782bc1db

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