Thanks everyone for the replies. Unfortunately I still haven't been able to uninstall, I've already reinstalled recuva and the error still remains. I tried to do the procedure indicated in the microsoft community pointed out, but I didn't have success either.

I was using recuva to find pictures and videos on a windows xp hard drive, but I keep getting an internal error message. Does anyone know of an alternative program for recovering broken and damaged files?

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Files are shown in excellent condition. I recovered a few of them which were pdfs, powerpoints & photos. But they wont open for some reason.

Preview of the same photos existed in recuva. What the hell is going on?!?

(I didn't hibernate btw)

I've got a non responding external harddisk. Recuva is able to get most from it, it takes only very long to get the 1.5 Tb from the disk. How can I pause the recovery? Or might it be an idea to put a pause button in a next version of recuva?

even if you recover your files,then shred them with a file shredder and run Cclean it is still not going to wipe and get rid of everything. in fact most of what you scan on the deep scan will still remain,So it would be great if recuva can get this option to work so you can permanently remove all files from your drives but as of now it dont seem to be a working feature.

Look i am not here to be rude or sound bitter to you or anyone else here this is a support forum for recuva,a person is haveing a problem and i only have tried to help the best i can.Look it worked for me. so i am not a liar. but you coming in and stating what you have stated. is rude,inconsiderate,disrespectful and totally unnecessary.

As far as the purpose of doing this is a easy way to view files instead of viewing them form recuva.So i strongly suggest you read and understand things befor you go insulting someones integrity for doing nothing more then trying to help someone.

if the recuva secure file option was working. then you would never have to do what i have said. but this feature dose not appear to be working right now. and that is the solution i have found and it works. if you run that wipe it's going to remove all deleted files and free up all disk space.. out of 165g that i ad almost full on my c drive it freed up 1.01gb and all deleted files that used to continue to come up with recuva are now gone.. thats what i wanted to do and it seems that what dhac is looking to do.

You will get no different results if you clear a filter after the scan. Run the scan with no filter then scan then add filter. I believe most of the ignored files are files that are still live, but my fellow moderator @Augeas is better versed. I've moved this thread to the recuva discussion board.

I have found that it doesn't matter what is typed in the Filename or Path box as recuva will do the full scan anyway and then disply what has been chosen, so you can change the filter criteria without doing another scan. 589ccfa754

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