How do I use this?

Click Here

Will it get blocked?

Probably not. This site is running on Google Sites and the reddit viewer is using Google Translate. Unless your IT guy is willing to block Google, then it wont get blocked! The image and video viewer might get blocked so be discreet about it. If it does block then contact me on reddit u/EaterComputer.

My favorite subreddit is not on the Site!

Fill out the Form at the bottom of the page HERE

Can I Login, Upvote/Downvote, and comment?

Unfortunately, No. Perhaps you can jot down the URL and write your comment in a notebook and go back to write the comment later.

Can I donate to you?

How sweet! Yes you can. If you want to give me a couple bucks for me to buy a coffee (I don't drink coffee so probably frozen yogurt or something) then feel free. Or you can click HERE to see a short ad for free!