I have GN installed on my MacBook and iPad and have the same fonts installed across both devices. On iPad, my downloaded fonts do not appear in the font dropdown list, but on my MacBook they do. When I make edits on my MacBook using an installed font, I can see them on my iPad in GN doc since the font is actually installed there but just cannot do any new edits on the iPad since the fonts do not show in the dropdown. The downloaded fonts appear in other apps like Pages, MS PP and others on iPad and also appear in GN docs so I know that they are properly installed. The issue seems to be w/ GN. Has anyone had this issue?

As part of grad school curriculum, I have to present a talk about my work in 15 min. What are some good fonts (for the title, and text) which look clean, and modern without cluttering the presentation? I know I won't keep much text but just wanted to get your opinion. Also if you have any sources for scientific presentation please send them my way. Thanks

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I genuinely get frustrated a lot because of the default font selector in Figma. I have been using illustrator for the past 4 years or so. Having the ability to filter fonts with so many options has been SOOOO handy. I never appreciated that UI until I had to start using Figma for my everyday work as an UI/UX designer. Is there any better way to select fonts, maybe a plugin? Or any suggestion might help. Thanks!

I have to regularly use two different computers to work in InDesign, and I have the same fonts installed using the same exact files on both. Every time I want to edit a file on one computer when I've previously worked on it on my other computer, I get prompted to fix missing fonts. This is time-consuming due to how often I have to switch between the computers. Does anyone know how to get the computers/InDesign to recognize that they are the same fonts on both computers? Or is there any way to do this differently so I don't have to replace fonts every single day? Is this just a computer issue?

For reference, I'm using a MacBook Pro and a Mac desktop. This happens with all fonts not installed using Adobe Fonts, but it doesn't seem to happen in Photoshop for whatever reason. I would really appreciate any help with this. Thanks!

I have 300+ fonts that I need to install on my system. Typically, I would be able to move them into the Font folder. As far as I can tell, on Win10 I cannot move, paste, or extract anything into C:\Windows\Fonts.

I find that certain fonts give me certain feelings about my work while writing. I'll admit to having downloaded and installed certain obscure fonts more than once to give it more of a professional, official and completed look. I suppose it makes me feel a sense of importance to my work so it doesn't feel like a useless wall of text done in default Arial or something.

Since the release of Big Sur, Apple has continued to implement tighter and tighter restrictions on the system folders and by extension, the folders of system fonts contained within. With Monterey we could disable the large collection of Supplemental fonts, which included the 101 styles of Noto Sans. With Ventura we are now stuck with over 313 typefaces, containing over 1185 styles and thats before we install and use font management software to control our large libraries of company/client/personal fonts that we have as designers.

I understand an argument that most Mac users these days do not do design work professionally, and that many users have been able to, lets say, make an adorable St. Patrick's Day invitation thanks to having Luminary installed for them but man I would like to get some control back over what fonts are installed, or are at least actively running.

Short of banning together in a large group of users to voice a common frustration I don't see that Apple will reverse this path of locking everything down. I understand the greater good that a more secure operating system for everyone achieves, but maybe there is a workaround to have type live somewhere else where it can be managed. I thought that reaching out the the Reddit community would be a first good step to see how many others shared the frustration and would be willing to sign a letter to Apple, and gauge if together we could make some progress on managing system fonts again!

The devs behind IA Writer tweaked the heck out of IBM's open-sourced Plex font, making three variants available on their Github - a monospace font, a duospace font, and 'Quattro,' a variant with 4 character sizes. You can read more about the fonts on their blog.

I want to install these fonts for use on my iMac, for writing and printing. When I downloaded the master .zip file the fonts came in three folders: Webfonts, Variable, and Static. I assume that for my uses I don't need the webfonts, but I doin't know whether I should install the Static or the Variable fonts ... or both.

Hey I know I've been asking this question for years, and I'm sure many of us have, but has anyone heard any timeline on being able to add custom fonts to google apps (namely Docs and Slides)? Not the "more fonts" that google has available, but adding new ones entirely.

Just curious to know if anyone uses adobe fonts on any of there projects? There library looks a lot better than google and I want to have a play around with some different types. I see you have to have a creative cloud license to have access to the full fonts library, the photoshop one seems to be the cheapest at the moment for just under 9 a month.

I design for a lot of different businesses/industries and have a ton of fonts. Sometimes I forget the names of the fonts that are intended to be used with specific industries, and I also download fonts that I end up not using or forgetting about.

I really need help regarding inDesigns struggle to recognise fonts. (Screenshots are attached)I've used Romie as the main font for my bachelor thesis. Now, I wanted to touch up the doc a bit and send it out to print. Yet inDesign tells me that the named font is not available. Which simply isn't true. I use FontBase to store and organise my fonts and its activated there. I even installed the font in my Macbooks own font library (it is done automatically by FontBase).

I really can't stand the fonts that Notion has, especially as a creative, it's so hard to use it when the fonts are just so standard and limited to 3, haha. :) Is there a way I could code some different fonts into it?

So i got carried away and downloaded 5000 fonts on my laptop, i didn't want them but came under peer pressure (long story). I need my default font only and i don't know how to uninstall these other fonts. I tried a font organizers which lets me delete fonts from the system but i have to delete them manually and it does not tell me which the pre loaded fonts are, and i am scared to delete them. Please help.

I am just getting back into graphics after a very very long hiatus. Just curious, where is the safest place to download and get fonts? I don't mind paying for them, but just don't want to go through a bunch of sketchy websites.

Evidence does suggest however, that common fonts already in use for general readability, have better readability among dyslexic people too. So favouring Sans-Serif fonts, although Roman fonts might not be that bad either.

Our suggestion as a subreddit is to therefore use fonts that increase readability for everyone, such as the ones listed above, or in this study published by the University of Michigan, or recommended by the British Dyslexia Association, and if making materials specifically for people with Dyslexia, ask them if they need anything, and what would help them in particular.

Unsure if anyone else is having this issue, just noticed it today after updating to 12.2.1. I'm aware you can drag font files/folders manually into the /User/ libraries, but just wanted to get a sense of what other people might be experiencing currently. I'm able to open the .ttf or .otf files, but Font Book get's stuck on the "validating fonts" bar. Pretty much have to force quit every time to get the app out of that frozen state.

I chose a font in Canva for my Branding kit, figuring it would be easier to streamline other people's use of my font if it's easily available on one of the most used marketing platforms. Supposedly, all fonts found on canva are free for commercial use, or that's what they say. However, today I was trying to edit a video on a different platform and they didn't have my font, so I went to grab it from dafont.com, only to find that it is apparently NOT for commercial use.

What does this discrepancy "mean"? Should I ignore it? Is it only free if I use it on Canva? How would anyone even prove that? Should I choose a different font? Is there a search engine that sorts which of Canva's fonts are universally considered free for use?

Whenever I use any google fonts with a simple static website, loading the font seems to be the bottleneck, especially on a slow connection like mine. So, in such a scenario, what are some fonts that I can use without depending on google fonts, fonts that look good and are widely available on most computers without needing to download them? I am looking for examples of serif, sans-serif, monospace and cursive.

I know that fontsquirrel.com and fonts.google.com make strong efforts to only have 100% genuine, legitimate free fonts. I also know there are plenty of sites out there that have what the claim to have "free fonts" which actually are pirated copies of commercial fonts.

How reputable is 1001fonts.com? I found a font there that I like which is not on fontsquirrel.com. (I also can't find it for sale anyplace, so it's not obviously pirated, either.) Are there any other reputable free font sites worth knowing about?

I need someones help urgently. I want to use SF fonts on my design and I already downloaded the fonts on my computer (OS) in its fontbook. I already restarted my computer, figma and I still cant access the SF font on either the app or browser and I already downloaded the font installer for the browser. What can be going wrong? 2351a5e196

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