What to do if there is a baby bird in my balcony?

如果你是愛心家庭,你想幫助幼鳥的話,請看看這篇。Please read below on how to help it.

Check if it is in good health. Contact the bird rescue team immediately if it sustains facture or injury, or its feet are entangled in thread or there are small worms on its body.



2. If it is unable to fly, place it in a carton box fixed with a twig inside and hang the box on the windowsill / in the balcony so that the parent can take care of it. Help the bird to stay warm and maintain good ventilation without wind blowing directly towards it. When there is prolonged rain / no turf underneath / For birds which cannot fly well / found at height, place it in a cage with a branch attached outside for the parent to perch and let the parent take care of it from outside the cage. Make sure the parent can feed the baby bird. When it is unable to do so, adjust the cage orientation.

觀察當時沒有親鳥,你可以觀察兩三小時看看他們有沒有回來,或安裝一個閉路電視觀察。如果有親鳥一直照顧,你可以多放蟲和水果讓親鳥餵幼鳥 這樣可以加快成長速度
The cage can prevent the baby bird from flying out which may lead to injury or death from falling onto the ground.
Observe for a couple of hours or install a CCTV camera to see whether the parent has come. If the parent does come and take care of the baby bird, put worms and fruits nearby so that the parent can feed it and the baby bird can grow up quickly.


If the parent does not come to take care of the baby bird, contact the bird rescue team immediately. Baby bird has to be fed at an interval of no more than 30 minutes or it will be starving. As the baby bird is developing rapidly, it will lose muscle without consuming any food and will soon lose heat, become weak or even die.


For unhatched egg, hatchling or nestling, it is likely that the parent will abandon the nest if it has been altered or moved. But it is still worth trying to see if it will return.

Click here on how to make a temporary shelter


Nests built in a building pose danger to the baby birds when they leave the nests as they may crash on landing and get injured or even die.

You may let the parent take care of the baby bird outside the cage until its tails have reached the length of around 1.5 cm. When the weather is good and the baby bird is in good health, place the bird on the ground and play the recording of its chirping. The parent will locate the baby bird on hearing it.