General Rooms

Late/No-Show Policy for Competitors: A debater no-show, DURING THE TOURNAMENT, is an additional $30 AND the debater will be dropped from the rest of the tournament.

Late/No-Show Policy for Judges: A judge no-show fee is an additional $50 per round the judge no-shows.

Competition Rooms: Meeting ID: 961 5164 6299

Naming Conventions:

Competitors: Competitor_Name(pronouns)_Room #

Judges: Judge_Name(pronouns)_Room #
Observers: Observer_Name_Room #

Stand-By Judges: Break-out Room in Competition Room

Help Desk: Break-out Room in Competition Room

Student Lounge:

Prep Rooms: All schools will have 1 prep room PER debater to allow each team to easily move between tournament and prep. We will require that ALL teams have AT LEAST 1 team representative in their team room on Saturday for check-in. All prep rooms will close 5 minutes BEFORE the round is scheduled to begin.
