Con motivo de los tiempos "remotos" que estamos viviendo, estamos organizando una serie de webinars para ofrecer formación gratuita online sobre el aprendizaje de la LE en Educación Infantil. Iremos publicando en nuestro calendario y en este espacio los webinars programados.

Los webinars requieren inscripción previa para dar prioridad a los miembros de la Red ALExI. La inscripción previa se cierra a las 23:00 del día anterior al webinar. Posteriormente recibirás un email con los datos de acceso al mismo.







  • VIII Webinar "The PETaL approach to quality Early Childhood Education" impartido por Mª Elena Parra

VIII webinar

The PETaL approach to quality Early Childhood Education

Speaker: Mª ELENA GÓMEZ PARRA (Universidad de Córdoba)

THURS., MAY. 20TH 2021 at 17:00 (CET) vía MEET

El webinar "The PETaL approach to quality Early Childhood Education" está organizado por la Red ALEX (Red Española par el Aprendizaje de Lenguas Extranjeras en Infantil" en colaboración con el Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura de la Universidad de Granada. El webinar estará impartido por María Elena Gómez Parra, profesora titular de la Universidad de Córdoba, investigadora principal del grupo de investigación HUM-1006 'Bilingual and Intercultural Education' (EBeI y de la Iberoamerican Network for Bilingual and Intercultural Education (IBIE), y directora del Máster "The Erasmus Mundus Master Play, Education, Toys and Languages (PETaL)" de la Universidad de Córdoba. . Este webinar está dirigido a docentes en activo, investigadores y futuros maestros de LE. Hay un aforo máximo de 200 participantes y tendrán prioridad los miembros de la Red ALExI Para inscribirte solo tienes que rellenar el siguiente formulario (https://forms.gle/WTDihLHTCvjChQTP6) disponible antes las 23:00 del día anterior al webinar. Una vez cerrado, recibirás el enlace de acceso en el correo electrónico que nos facilites.
ABSTRACT:Quality early childhood education stands at the foundation of the 21st century society, whose most evident sign of identity is relentless change. The place of language and culture in any educational paradigm is undoubtedly prevalent, and science concludes that the linguistic construct is at the core of the human essence. Language provides humans with the identity that differentiates us from other species on the planet, and culture is inextricably linked to it, endowing it with complex meanings and enabling the transmission of values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours of a community.This talk will be presenting the PETaL (Play, Education, Toys and Languages) approach to bilingual early childhood education, which brings together a solid theoretical background together with a practical construct to implementation. The PETaL (Play, Education, Toys and Languages) approach is characterised by its flexibility to adapt to different cultural environments, because only in this way does it make sense, and its aim is to educate the child of this century to be able to develop in (and promote) a diverse, plural and changing society.

BIODATA:María Elena Gómez-Parra is full professor at the University of Córdoba. Her research area is bilingual and intercultural education, with special emphasis on the outcomes of bilingual education at international level, the CLIL approach (Content and Language Integrated Learning), the language gap and the concept of translanguaging in bilingual contexts. He directs the Research Group HUM-1006 'Bilingual and Intercultural Education' (EBeI), the Iberoamerican Network for Bilingual and Intercultural Education (IBIE), and the Erasmus Mundus Master Play, Education, Toys and Languages (PETaL).

VII webinar


Speaker: SANDIE MOURAO (CETAPS, Nova University Lisbon)

THURS., JAN. 28TH 2021 at 17:00 (CET) vía MEET

El webinar "PLAY AND LEARNING AREAS" está organizado por la Red ALEX (Red Española par el Aprendizaje de Lenguas Extranjeras en Infantil" en colaboración con el Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura de la Universidad de Granada. El webinar estará impartido por Sandie Mourão, investigadora de la Nova University Lisboa (Portugal), especialista en el aprendizaje temprano de idiomas, diseñadora de libros como la serie Dex de la editorial MacMillan. Este webinar está dirigido a docentes en activo, investigadores y futuros maestros de LE. Hay un aforo máximo de 200 participantes y tendrán prioridad los miembros de la Red ALExI (https://sites.google.com/view/red-alexi/)Para inscribirte solo tienes que rellenar el siguiente formulario disponible antes las 23:00 del día anterior al webinar. Una vez cerrado, recibirás el enlace de acceso en el correo electrónico que nos facilites.
ABSTRACT:Play is a child’s work and successful play for development and language acquisition is child-initiated. In this webinar I take a look at adult-led activities that support child-initiated play in English as a foreign language. Taking a close look at learning formats, I will share examples of children engaged in child-initiated play in English learning areas. I will conclude with a short list of teacher strategies to enable child-initiated play in English.
FREE REGISTRATION: https://forms.gle/kUWnEV3qe79PLv4m8
BIODATA:Sandie Mourão (PhD) is a research fellow at Nova University Lisbon, with over 30 years of experience in ELT as a teacher, teacher educator and educational consultant. Her main research interests focus on early years language learning, picturebooks in language learning, intercultural awareness, assessment practices and classroom-based research. Her recent publications include, Teaching English to Pre-primary Children (DELTA Publishing, 2020), Early Years Second Language Education: International Perspectives on Theory and Practice (Routledge, 2015). https://www.cetaps.com/sandie-mourao/

VI webinar


Speakers: ANGELICA MANCA (Hoopla Education) & SHEENA MITCHELL (Macmillan Spain)

WED., Nov. 25TH 2020 at 17:00 (CET) vía MEET

ABSTRACT:The Garden Project is a Project Based Learning (PBL) 3- level ELT course for pre-primary that adopts a hands-on approach to language learning, teaching students about sustainability as they learn English by growing their very own Garden in the Box, and document their learning through the Wonder, Observation and Investigation of nature.The Garden Project, has been adopted in 17 countries and in 2018, in collaboration with Macmillan Spain, was adapted for Spain so that learner and teacher resources would reflect Spain’s seasonality, festivities as well as flora and fauna, providing students with a truly authentic purpose for language learning within a context they could identify with.The Garden Project’s innovative approach in ELT, combining PBL within a local context, has been recognized internationally being winning the 2020 ELTons Award within the local innovation category for the 2019 Brazil Edition.This webinar gives participants practical tips on how to bring learning to life with sustainable practices whilst giving concrete examples of how The Garden Project is being taught in Spain.MORE INFO: https://www.macmillaneducation.es/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/tgp_folleto_2018.pdf
BIODATA:Angelica Manca is co-founder of Hoopla Education, specialized in nature-inspired programs. American and Italian, she holds a degree in Psychology from the University of Kent. She is author of several pre-primary English Language Teaching programs, including ELTons Award-winning The Garden Project, Brazil Edition. Her mission is to plant the seeds for a sustainable future through innovative education, nurturing the next generation of environmentally concerned citizens.Sheena has over 15 years´ experience in the field of English language teaching in Spain. In this time her roles have included teacher, ICT Coordinator and teacher trainer. She has spent the last eight years at Macmillan Education Iberia where she currently works in research with a specialism in pre-primary and primary education. She was part of the team that helped to develop the Spain edition of The Garden Project.


¿Cómo podemos afrontar la enseñanza de la LE en Ed. Infantil en tiempos de COVID?

Participan: Ángela Álvarez-Cofiño, Marta García, Mayka Iglesias, Mónica Rubio & Virginia Verdugo

Moderado por Beatriz Cortina-Pérez

Jueves, 24 de septiembre 2020 17:00 vía MEET

V Webinar 'Secret agent learners. Una propuesta de gamificación para educación infantil'

impartido por Belén García Fernández

Jueves, 9 de julio 2020 17:00 vía MEET

IV Webinar 'CLIL for very young learners'

Impartido por Ana Otto

Jueves, 2 de julio 2020 17:00 vía MEET

III Webinar 'Phonics: Work in progress' impartido por Ángela Álvarez Cofiño

Jueves, 25 de junio 2020 17:00 vía MEET

II Webinar 'Phonics: First steps'

Impartido por Ángela Álvarez Cofiño

Jueves, 11 de junio 2020 17:00 vía MEET

I Webinar 'Phonics: First steps'

Impartido por Ángela Álvarez Cofiño

Jueves, 11 de junio 2020 17:00 vía MEET