A la pluja, què li heu fet?

13.A LA PLUJA, QUE LÍ HEU FET? What have they done to the rain?Malvina Reyno1ds Joan Baez Adap. 'Ramon Casajoana Xavier Oliveras

DO Plou molt poc a poc, FA plou de tant en DO tant,

SOL l'herba aixeca el cap, FAsentint el dolç DO soroll

FAPlou de tant en tant,SOL plou molt poc a poc

FA A la pluja. quê li heu SOL fet?

What have they done to the rain?Malvina Reyno1ds Joan Baez Adap. 'Ramon Casajoana Xavier Oliveras

Sols un nen petit tot mirant com plou,

la pluja suau cau fa molt temps.

L'herba s'ha marcit, el noi ja no hi és,

i segueix plovent com si plorés el cel.

A la pluja, quê li heu fet?

Ara bufa el vent, bufa molt fluixet

i 1'herba tremola tot abaixant el cap.

Ara bufa el vent, potser un xic de fum.

A la pluja, quê li heu. fet?

Sols un nen petit …

Just a little rain falling all around

The grass lifts it's head to the heavenly sound

Just a little rain, just a little rain

What have they done to the rain

Just a little boy standing in the rain

The gentle rain that falls for years

And the grass is gone, the boy disappears

And rain keeps falling like helpless tears

And what have they done to the rain

Just a little breeze out of the sky

The leaves nod their head as the breeze blows by

Just a little breeze with some smoke in it's eye

What have they done to the rain

Just a little boy standing in the rain

The gentle rain that falls for years

And the grass is gone, the boy disappears

And rain keeps falling like helpless tears

And what have they done to the rain

What have they done to the rain