Recording For Teachers

What is this site about?

Please read through this page before exploring the site for information on how to navigate it.

This website is a free resource for classroom and music teachers that are interested in learning how to use recording equipment in their classrooms.

How do I record my students, band, choir, orchestra, etc.?

The purpose of this website is to give teachers the resources they need in order to record in their classroom, all in one place. For specific settings, see the Set Ups page.

Why record?

Everyone has their own reason for wanting to record, either for educational purposes such as giving students an accurate representation of what they sound like so they can reflect on it, having a record of their progress, or for personal reasons like archiving performances, making audition recordings, etc. Recording in the classroom gives students an introduction to recording and producing, and offers a way to do things like playing tests without having to stop a whole class, and if you are already using video (like iPads), learning how to get better quality audio-only recordings can help with file sizes You can also make recordings to send home to students to learn their parts better, or the parts of others.

How do I navigate this site?

The menus and drop down menus are there for you to explore what is available in terms of equipment (hardware and software) and how to apply them to different classroom settings.

Each sub page can be accessed through the navigation bar in the upper left corner.

Hyperlinks will be links to Google Doc files and PDFs, for definitions, scenarios, tips, forms, etc., links to other pages within the site, and external resources. The buttons are now available to make links to handouts more accessible. Links to pages within the site will not open new tabs, but links to the Google Docs, PDF files, and external resources will open new tabs.

Trouble viewing something on this site?

Because this is a site created with Google Sites, it will work better in Google Chrome. There may be some trouble accessing some of the pages if you are using a tablet, and/or if you are using Safari.

If you are having trouble accessing a Google Doc, make sure you are signed into a Google account on your browser, or use the PDF versions available.

How do I find what I'm looking for?

Suggested track for beginners:

  1. Start with reviewing navigation, keeping track of what is in each page
  2. Find your particular question through the search bar, exploring menus/sub menus, or visiting the set up page for general and specific handouts
  3. Explore handouts for recording suggestions
  4. Refer to the terminology page for clarification on unfamiliar terms encountered
  5. Explore other pages for examples and buying guides of equipment and software you are interested in

What if I am not familiar anything in the menus or sub menus?

This is a site for anyone interested in recording, even beginners. When you encounter something you are not familiar with, find terms and explanations in the:

    • Menu located on the upper left corner of the screen
    • Search tool on the upper right corner of the screen

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