Winning Your Ex Back: Proven Techniques and Advice 

How to Win Your Ex back:

1. Understand the breakup. What did each of you do to contribute to the breakup? Most relationship troubles do not cropup unexpectedly but build up over time. The odds are good that it wasn't aone-sided problem and that there were signs that it was coming. Take some timeand do some soul searching before you attempt to get your ex back. You want tomake sure you are not wasting your time or energy on something futile.


2. Give Them Personal Space Personal space is extremely important. No matter how much you love someone or want to be with them 24/7, personal space is something to which every individual has a right. You should be able to have some time to yourself to clear your thoughts and enjoy some me-time.  

Relationships are often unsuccessful because partners cannot understand the importance of each other's personal space. And the lack of personal space results in unintended consequences.  

3. Ask yourself if you trust your ex.Trust is required for any relationship to be healthy and stable. Before sending that text, you should really evaluate how the relationship ended, and how your ex’s behaviour or reaction during that time made you feel. If they betrayed your trust during the relationship by crossing a boundary or even cheating on you, it’s necessary to ask yourself if you really trust them now.

4. Offer an Apology if Needed. To repair a relationship after causing harm, apologize sincerely. Expressing regret and acknowledging your partner's emotions shows that you understand the impact of your actions and are willing to make things right. A heartfelt apology can go a long way in repairing a relationship.


5. Find out if they are still interested. Before you start trying to win back your ex’s heart, you need to know whether he or she still cares or not. Knowing if your ex still cares about you is the first most important clue and hint that things can still be mended.

Do you want to learn the best proven way to get back with your Ex.