Advanced bodybuilding program

Fitness industry is FAKE here is why

Let me ask you a question: do you believe the fitness industry is a hoax?

Do you believe the Shredded and Jacked Instagram models' bios when they say they're natural?

Do you still believe the Mr. Olympia athletes just take common supplements like Creatine and Protein, as they state in magazine interviews?

Understand that the fitness and bodybuilding industries are built on lies in order to answer those questions.

It's been that way since the dawn of modern bodybuilding in the early 1970s (as a result of the introduction of chemical enhancement). Supplement firms have signed these models and bodybuilders you see on YouTube and Instagram. These carefully designed connections prevent people from discussing their actual medications and force them to promote items. BCAAs were undoubtedly the biggest fitness fraud of the decade, and they were one of the top-selling items. Mainstream Testosterone Boosters were probably next. 90% of individuals would not have bought the goods if they had known how effective they were and how to utilize them properly.

However, because I'm not bound by a supplement contract, I'm free to talk about whatever I want, which is exactly what we're here to accomplish.

So here are three of the most overrated conventional supplements in my opinion:

-BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids)

-Glutamine is a type of amino acid that is found in the body (weak for muscle building has some benefits for digestion)

- Powdered protein

And here are three of the most underappreciated supplements:

- Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, and Zinc

- Extra virgin olive oil

- Arachidonic Acid is a type of fatty acid that is found in the body.

"What PED stack should I be on?" is the single most frequently asked question.

While I don't believe in a one-size-fits-all strategy, I'll do my best to provide you with something that will get you started while posing no health risks. And it still yields excellent results!

Check this out if you're bulking, trimming, or recompositioning!

Here's where you can get my 4-week beginner's cycle for free ->HERE

What is the most effective way to grow muscles? Anabolic Matrix explained.

In a nutshell, the Anabolic Matrix provides a visual representation of how chemicals stimulate muscle growth. This broad hypothesis was developed more than 15 years ago through research and experimentation, but it was put to the ultimate test when I began working with SARMs. SARMs were not widely used at the time, and if you asked 95 percent of individuals, they would have claimed they were most certainly a fraud.

But the science behind them was strong, so I started looking into what SARMs were missing and how, if I could figure out what was holding them back, they might potentially entirely replace steroids and provide the same benefits without the negative side effects.

And there was the start of hundreds of experiments that proved my idea correct. Then I began sharing this information with the rest of the world, and SARMs became widely known. When we break things down into the pathways that produce development, we can see where there are chances to optimize the chemistry, eliminate limiting factors, and employ synergy, so that instead of 1 unit of benefit for 1 unit of rist plus 1 additional unit equaling 2, we get 1+1 equals 4. (I was going to say three, but the synergy is far more powerful.)

Why is it superior to the traditional method of steroid blasting?

Before I started using steroids, I witnessed my friends take them for ten years. I carefully examined their outcomes, side effects, and cycle philosophy. It was becoming clear to me... they achieved good results, then doubled the dosage and got somewhat better results with a lot more adverse effects. I began to see curves, minimum effective doses, limiting factors, and a lack of synergy, among other things.

If they had used the Anabolic Matrix, they could have reduced the dosages of all the compounds that cause side effects to the point where they get enough benefit without relevant side effects (the sweet spot), and instead focus on the growth pathways they were ignoring, essentially missing opportunities to add compounds or make lifestyle or diet changes. We need to concentrate on removing limiting obstacles and capitalizing on development in methods that need less money, less danger of negative effects, and less energy.

Want to bypass all the jargon and get right to growing your body using the Anabolic Matrix theory? Find out how by clicking this link: HERE