Pasta Recipe: A Delicious and Easy-to-Make Dish


We'll look at a delicious and simple spaghetti recipe in this post that will tantalise your taste buds and wow your family and friends. People of all ages and cultures adore pasta because it is such a versatile food. This recipe is made to be simple to follow, so whether you're a newbie cook or a seasoned chef, it will produce a delicious dish that will have everyone asking for seconds!

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Ingredients Required

Gather the ingredients needed to make this delicious pasta meal before we begin the detailed instructions:

A big pot should be filled with water and heated over high heat until it boils. The water should have enough of salt added to it. The pasta of your choice should be added once the water has come to a rolling boil and cooked per the directions on the box until it is al dente. Al dente pasta has a small stiffness that gives the meal a wonderful texture.

Prepare the sauce in Step 2

Time to make the rich, fragrant sauce while the pasta is boiling. The olive oil should be heated over medium heat in a different skillet. Add the minced garlic and cook it for about a minute, or until it starts to smell good. Avoid burning the garlic as it can become bitter

Step 3: Include the Veggies

The cherry tomatoes should then be added to the skillet along with the garlic. They should be cooked for a few minutes to begin to soften and release their juices. The fresh spinach leaves should then be added and cooked until they wilt. Your spaghetti meal will have an appealing visual component thanks to the colourful tomatoes and spinach.

Step 4: Delicious Creaminess

The heavy cream should now be added to the skillet. Allow the cream to boil at a medium simmer while the tomatoes and spinach infuse the sauce. Add the dried basil and oregano and stir to combine the flavours into a thick, creamy sauce.

Step 5: We'd like cheese!

The grated Parmesan cheese should be added once the sauce has somewhat thickened. Until the cheese is completely melted and mixed, stir it into the sauce. The cheese helps the sauce become even more thick while also imparting a fantastic flavour.

Step 6: Compile Everything

Your pasta ought to be perfectly cooked by this point. Pasta that has been drained should be added straight to the skillet of creamy sauce. Gently toss the pasta to ensure that every strand is covered in the delicious sauce.

Step 7: Perfect your seasoning

Depending on your preferences, add salt and pepper after tasting the spaghetti. Consider your seasoning choices carefully because Parmesan cheese already contributes some saltiness. Black pepper, freshly ground, will give the food a delicious kick.


In conclusion, this pasta recipe is a real champ in terms of flavour and ease. A dish that is both comforting and decadent is made with a creamy sauce, fresh cherry tomatoes, and spinach. This recipe is guaranteed to be a favourite every time you cook it, whether it's for a simple weeknight supper or a big event.

Read  : Pasta Recipe In Hindi : स्वादिष्ट और पौष्टिक पास्ता रेसिपी: जानें हिंदी में