All About The Rechip

What we all want.

Do you want a sharp and well built lens? Of course you do. Everyone does. Think you can’t afford great glass? Think again. You may not be looking in the right place.

If you’re like me, browsing through latest high-end lenses can be a little depressing. The cost of luxury grade glass can easily peak in the thousands of dollars. What if I told you that you could have excellent lenses without breaking the bank? Even under $100 or how about a 400mm Macro for around $175.00 ? Maybe a Sigma 70-210mm f 2.8 , Yes I said f 2.8 ! On Ebay for a very low price.

You can pick up Great vintage Sigma lenses for a song on Ebay and with a simple Re-chip, your lens will be shooting on any Canon Digital Body modern or old.

Cause of the problem;

Some lens manufacturers are using a communication protocol for Canon EOS cameras which were reverse engineered instead of bought from Canon* (which is not bad, because without the expense of buying from Canon they can offer a cheaper product) . With the newer Canon Bodies there is a problem as Canon changed the communication Protocol. Actually it is not changed but in older lens types some protocol commands were not used and marked as reserved for future use...

To be specific, a change which made old lenses unusable was in the command 0x12 which was changed to 0x13 in newer camera bodies. As a result you will get ERROR 01 or maybe even ERROR 99 (pay attention to ERROR 99 because it is a general error which covers "all problem types" and it may have nothing to do with the lens.

Usually if you take your old Sigma Lens that works fine on your old Canon Body and then attach it to a new Canon Body the aperture will only work on a large aperture (smallest F number). All other apertures will display an Error message.

Canon doesn't state if the protocol specifications were ever released to any third party company. So Canon may be the only one who knows the complete protocol specification. So our goal is still the same, modify the Sigma lens to make it work as cheap as possible.

Solution " RECHIP " !

The solution to the problem;

If your lens Aperture works on an older Canon body and when you mount it on a newer body you get ERROR 99 / "Error 01" your lens needs to be Re-chipped.

On a newer Canon body if your lens works only at a big Aperture (smallest F number) and if you move to any other Aperture setting you get Error 99, your lens needs to be Re-chipped.

Solution ? Buy and install our Re-chip Kit.

Simple install and low price. Please take a moment and see " Instructions DIY" in the menu - top of page.

Many men and women with no electronics experience have successfully brought their lens back to life.. I get letters from all around the world telling me thanks, So you can do it too. Also i'm always happy to help with any questions.

Works with all lens models

Bring your old Sigma Lens Back to Life! Get yours while they last.