Receipts Scanner

What Is Receipts Scanner?

iOS application that uses OCR technology to manage all receipt records

What Is OCR Technology?

Optical character recognition (OCR) is sometimes referred to as text recognition. An OCR program extracts and repurposes data from scanned documents, camera images and image-only pdfs. OCR software singles out letters on the image, puts them into words and then puts the words into sentences, thus enabling access to and editing of the original content. It also eliminates the need for manual data entry

Does anyone else have access to my scanned receipts data?


Your receipt data, including receipt images, is stored locally on your device and is not shared with any third parties.

ReceiptsScanner Inc does not have access to your receipt data, including your receipt images and content.

Is it possible to scan multiple receipts at once?


You can scan multiple receipts at once via camera. the OCR technology will scan all of your receipts with one click on a button

What is Discover OCR Button?

With the discover OCR button, you can select text by tapping on desired text within your receipt image content and append it to your data fields. whether if it's date, number or text field

Can I search for all receipt contents or just the fields that have been discovered in my receipts?

The Search feature scan with the OCR technology all of your receipts images contents, including any text inside your receipts images and not only fields that have been discovered on the receipts

Can I use the app offline?


ReceiptScanner works offline

Can I Share My Expenses?


You can easily share your expenses via PDF or CSV

What other features does a ReceiptsScanner have?

  • Save all of your receipts records in one place

  • High-quality scans

  • Scan multiple receipts all at once

  • Scan and save receipts without being online

  • Export & share all of your receipt records in PFD & CSV

  • Receipts are sorted and grouped by date

  • Scan receipts without having to save paper receipts, Receipts Scanner does it for you

  • Add comments to scanned receipts

  • Delete receipts by swiping

  • Create & delete categories

  • All receipt data is stored locally on your device

  • When scanning from the camera, the app automatically detects the corners of the receipt, so you only save the receipt and nothing else, saving space on your device. You can also edit the photo before saving it.

  • It's also lightweight, so it takes up little space on your device. Because it’s so lightweight, it’s also lightning fast. If the most important feature of a receipt scanner is lightweight and speed, then this is the app for you.

"Managing receipts has never been so simple"