2019 in Review


2019 has been an good year for us at the Pins team, from #MovingToGitLab to some new domains from Freenom to some more open-source projects. We'll list them down below as we speak. Read on.


If you hate to read the whole story, we'll summarize it for you.

  • We have migrated our open-source projects to GitLab, and soon, those are on GitHub will be read-only after 6-12 months of waiting period.
    • For now, we're using GitLab.com, but we'll have our own instance of GitLab soon.
  • We have new domains from Freenom, but we'll looking for an more professional domains in the future.
  • Some of our apps, like our Recap Time Telegram bot, are hosted on Glitch.com. Glitch.com is an good way to deploy apps without any Dockerinization process on our side.


We have been started moving our repositories from GitHub into an new place, GitLab.com, and we're currently on phrase 1 of the migration process. After 6 months, we can go our GitHub mirrors into read-only mode and redirect our users to GitLab. Learn more about this on our handbook.

Soon, we'll set up our own GitLab instance and migrate our projects there. Learn more about the migration process in this handbook article.

New domains from Freenom

At some time in 2019, we had tried to get free domains from Freenom. (Spoiler alert: those domains are experimental

List of our domains from Freenom

Deploying apps to Glitch.com

Next on the list, we built 10 publicly-viewable apps in Glitch in 2019 alone. Expect to create more apps from our different team members this 2020.

An podcast just mirrored to Telegram

We successfully mirrored Mozilla's IRL Podcast, and we're in progress of importing them all before new season releases in 2020. Track what's next podcast to get mirrored to Telegram


We had been did many work in 2019,