The Configuration window allows you to choose your target platform, adjust settings for your build, and before you start the build process.
- Import Image Logo Choose your own logo for your Rebyte's project with 250 x 250 px images. if you didn't choose one, it will display Rebyte's logo by default
- Import Dialog Box Image Choose your own dialog box with 1803 x 378 px images.
- Show Rebyte Logo If it's checked, it will shown after first image logo, if you didn't change the first image logo it will display Rebyte's logo twice.
- Platform List Selecting one of the platforms will control which platform will be built
- Windows Build for Windows
- Mac Build for Mac
- Android Build for Android devices
- IOS Build for iOS devices
- Web Game Build for HTML 5 / Facebook Instant Games
- First Scene The first scene displayed when the project are running.