
Published September, 2022 [LAST UPDATED: 2024]

What is it?

'Meta' = "beyond" / "after" the physics. 

The study of the nature of reality

Often in the business of describing the natural ordering of the universe through conceptual models / categorization

Common Questions


'Cosmos' = "universe" +
'logos' = "account" or "story"

● Why is there something rather than nothing?

How did the universe / first being come to exist? ['Cosmogony' (i.e., "origin story")]

What patterns / laws (if any) govern how things exist?

How (if at all) might the universe end? ['Eschatology' (i.e., "last things")]

NOTE: Many of these questions we now think belong to the sciences alone


'Ontos' = "truly" or "in reality" +
'logos' = "account" or "story"

What exists dependent on / independent of the mind?

What are existing entities like (i.e., what qualities do they possess)?

Does a god(s) exist?

Do we have free will?

● What is the nature of causation?

● What is the relationship (if any) between mind [soul / consciousness] and body?

NOTE: Many of these questions are now being pragmatically informed by cognitive psychology.

Comparing Eastern & Western Metaphysics