Journal Articles
Marion, R., Lederer, J., Govaerts, B., & von Sachs, R. (2022). VC-PCR: A Prediction Method based on Supervised Variable Selection and Clustering. Under review. [Preprint]
Bibal, A., Marion, R., von Sachs, R., & Frénay, B. (2021). BIOT: Explaining multidimensional nonlinear MDS embeddings using the Best Interpretable Orthogonal Transformation. Neurocomputing, 453, 109-118. [Published paper] [Preprint] [Code]
Marion, R., Govaerts, B., & von Sachs, R. (2020). AdaCLV for interpretable variable clustering and dimensionality reduction of spectroscopic data. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. [Published paper] [Preprint] [Slides] [Code]
Marion, R., Bibal, A., & Frénay, B. (2019). BIR: A method for selecting the best interpretable multidimensional scaling rotation using external variables. Neurocomputing, 342, 83–96. [Published paper] [Preprint] [Code]
Conference Proceedings
Kaczynska, S., Marion, R., & von Sachs, R. (2020). Comparison of cluster validity indices and decision rules for different degrees of cluster separation, In Proceedings of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN). [Published paper] [Slides]
Bibal, A., Marion, R., & Frénay, B. (2018). Finding the most interpretable MDS rotation for sparse linear models based on external features, In Proceedings of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN). [Published paper] [Slides] [Code]
Book Chapters
Govaerts, B., Francq, B., Marion, R., Martin, M., & Thiel, M. (forthcoming). The essentials on linear regression, ANOVA, general linear and linear mixed models for the chemist, In General linear models, comprehensive chemometrics, 2nd edition: Chemical and biochemical data analysis.
PhD Thesis
Marion, R. (2021). Statistical and Machine Learning Methods for Identifying Clusters of Variables: With Applications in Omics, Ecology and Psychology. Doctoral dissertation, Université catholique de Louvain. [Full Manuscript] [Slides/Video]
Master's Thesis
Marion, R. (2016). Pre-processing of NMR spectra: review and evaluation of baseline correction, normalization, scaling and transformation methods [unpublished Master's thesis]. Université catholique de Louvain. [Full Manuscript]