Rebecca Lo

Hello! Welcome to my portfolio which may contain cats, and some geek things.

I'm in a high school called Hialeah Miami Lakes High school. Cats are my primary animal as a pet, then it's dogs. I always wanted a dog since I was little, but my mom always said that the fees are too much etc. I plan to be a veterinarian in the future. I would use to plan to be a dancer or a teacher, but I feel better saving animals. Although people would be like "being human doctor would be payed much more", honestly, personally, I don't mind the price much right now, but as for now, I am confident that I want to be a vet. Enrolled to a veterinarian school would be great, however, I am only in 9th grade, so I haven't consider a college to attend to. Maybe in my sophomore or junior year, I'll try to find one related.


My mother wants me to do good in school in general but if i focus too much in school, I'll become depressed with no hobbies to make myself happy again. I was great in elementary however, during my middle school years, I started slacking off because of my attendance. That was my fault. Getting my gpa high and good enough so I can also do well in college and highschool continuing on.