

Rebecca H Chisholm, Jake A. Lacey, Jan Kokko, Patricia T Campbell, Malcolm I. McDonald, Jukka Corander, Mark R. Davies, Steven Y C Tong, Jodie McVernon, Nicholas Geard. Global and local epidemiology of Group A Streptococcus indicates that naturally-acquired immunity is enduring and strain-specific. Submitted, 2020.

Ben B Hui, Damien Brown, Rebecca H Chisholm, Nicholas Geard, Jodie McVernon, David Regan. Modelling testing and response strategies for COVID-19 outbreaks in remote Australian Aboriginal communities. Submitted, 2020.

Journal articles

Rebecca H Chisholm, Bradley Crammond, Yue Wu, Asha Bowen, Patricia T Campbell, Steven Y C Tong, Jodie McVernon, Nicholas Geard. A model of population dynamics with complex household structure and mobility: implications for transmission and control of communicable diseases. PeerJ 8:e10203.

Rebecca H Chisholm, Nikki Sonenberg, Jake A. Lacey, Malcolm I. McDonald, Manisha Pandey, Mark R. Davies, Steven Y C Tong, Jodie McVernon, Nicholas Geard. Epidemiological consequences of enduring strain-specific immunity requiring repeated episodes of infection. PLoS Computational Biology 16(6): e1007182, 2020 .

Rebecca H Chisholm, Brian D Connelly, Benjamin Kerr, and Mark M Tanaka. The role of pleiotropy in the evolutionary maintenance of positive niche construction. The American Naturalist, 192(1):35--48, 2018.

Rebecca H Chisholm, Patricia T Campbell, Yue Wu, Steven Y C Tong, Jodie McVernon, Nicholas Geard. Implications of asymptomatic carriers for infectious disease transmission and control. Royal Society Open Science, 5: 172341, 2018.

John-Sebastian Eden, Rebecca H Chisholm, Rowena A Bull, Peter A White, Edward C Holmes and Mark M Tanaka. Persistent infections in immunocompromised hosts are rarely sources of new pathogen variants. Virus Evolution, 3(2): vex018, 2017.

Rebecca H Chisholm, James M Trauer, Darren Curnoe, and Mark M Tanaka. Controlled fire use in early humans might have triggered the evolutionary emergence of tuberculosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 113:9051--9056, 2016.

Rebecca H Chisholm and Mark M Tanaka. The emergence of latent infection in the early evolution of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 283:20160499, 2016.

Tommaso Lorenzi, Rebecca H Chisholm, and Jean Clairambault. Tracking the evolution of cancer cell populations through the mathematical lens of phenotype-structured equations. Biology Direct, 11(1):43, 2016.

Rebecca H Chisholm, Tommaso Lorenzi, and Alexander Lorz. Effects of an advection term in nonlocal Lotka-Volterra equations. Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 14:1181--8, 2016.

Rebecca H Chisholm, Tommaso Lorenzi, Laurent Desvillettes, and Barry D Hughes. Evolutionary dynamics of phenotype-structured populations: from individual-level mechanisms to population-level consequences. Zeitschrift fürangewandte Mathematik und Physik, 67(4):100, 2016.

Tommaso Lorenzi, Rebecca H Chisholm, Laurent Desvillettes, and Barry D Hughes. Dissecting the dynamics of epigenetic changes in phenotype-structured populations exposed to fluctuating environments. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 386:166--176, 2015.

Tommaso Lorenzi, Rebecca H Chisholm, Matteo Melensi, Alexander Lorz, and Marcello Delitala. Mathematical model reveals how regulating the three phases of T-cell could counteract immune evasion. Immunology, 146(2):271--280, 2015.

Rebecca H Chisholm, Tommaso Lorenzi, Alexander Lorz, Annette K Larsen, Luis Neves De Almeida, Alexandre Escargueil, and Jean Clairambault. Emergence of drug tolerance in cancer cell populations: an evolutionary outcome of selection, nongenetic instability, and stress-induced. Cancer Research, 75(6):930--939, 2015.

Rebecca H Chisholm, Barry D Hughes, and Kerry A Landman. Erosion by a one-dimensional random walk. Physical Review E, 90(2):022140, 2014.

Rebecca H Chisholm, Barry D Hughes, Kerry A Landman, and Muhammad H Zaman. Analytic study of three-dimensional single cell migration with and without proteolytic enzymes. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, 6(2):239--249, 2013.

Rebecca H Chisholm, Barry D Hughes, Kerry A Landman, and John M Hutson. Mathematical modelling of gubernaculum during inguino-scrotal migration shows limb bud characteristics. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 48(8):1762--1766, 2013.

Rebecca H Chisholm, Barry D Hughes, Kerry A Landman, Georg Mayer, and Paul M Whitington. When are cellular oscillators sufficient for sequential segmentation? Journal of Theoretical Biology, 279(1):150--160, 2011.

Georg Mayer, Chiharu Kato, Björn Quast, Rebecca H Chisholm, Kerry A Landman, and Leonie M Quinn. Growth patterns in Onychophora (velvet worms): lack of a localized posterior proliferation zone. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 10: 339, 2010.

Rebecca H Chisholm, Barry D Hughes, Kerry A Landman. Building a morphogen gradient with-out diffusion in a growing tissue. i, 5(9): e12857, 2010.


Rebecca H Chisholm, Tommaso Lorenzi, and Jean Clairambault. Cell population heterogeneity and evolution towards drug resistance in cancer: biological and mathematical assessment, theoretical treatment optimisation. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects, 1860(11):2627--2645, 2016.

Government reports

COVID-19 Testing and Response Strategies in Regional and Remote Indigenous Communities: Key messages for Health Services, July 2020.

Other publications

Neela Janakiramanan, Freya Shearer and Rebecca Chisholm. Three medical experts on the purpose and limits of Coronavirus modelling, Women's Agenda, published online April 9, 2020.

Rebecca H Chisholm and Nicholas Geard. When do we stop vaccinating against an infection disease? The Conversation, published online June 8, 2017.

Rebecca H Chisholm. Mathematical modelling of cell migration and biological systems driven by cell proliferation, PhD thesis, The University of Melbourne, 2013.

Rebecca H Chisholm. Cell proliferation in a scaffold, Honours thesis, The University of Melbourne, 2009.