Whenever I watch a demoman POV I always see them flick their cursor around whenever they shoot. Basically what I mean is say they have their cursor at position a, they flick to position b and click to launch a sticky or whatever then they quickly flick back to position a. Why do they do that?

why do i see clips where mercy players flick their mouses upwards when they fly upwards? i normally just use the super jump and ill keep my view on the fight down below. does flicking up make you travel faster? are they even using the super jump (crouch button), or are they just using the jump button to launch forward and thats why they look up?

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I really do not understand why for anyone it is better to start by aiming away from the target (for a weapon that hits instantaneously) then aim at them with a flick instead of by doing the obvious: just trying to aim right at them to begin with, no flick required?

Ok the crosshairs not blocking sight is a logical reason. Just seems harder to have to try a split second aim instead of using using your extra time to aim at all times. Ok thank you for the feedback.

Micro adjustments are difficult to control, where as taking your cursor a known distance away from the head and then snapping to the target, is much easier to programme into your memory. You can likely become more reliable by flicking than you can by micro adjusting your aim around a target with tonnes of tiny little movements.

movement is just too quick in this game so you are better off flicking because you are not relying on watching and tracking the enemys every move and simply just snapshot the very moment you shoot, however, crosshair placement is really good too aswell as pre-firing as they can make some shots easier for you.

I personally use a gaming mouse that have all the weight put in for the sake of stability from cord disturbance. Plus my mostly-wrist aiming style, it is personally better for me to just flick most of the time.

The underlying cause of the flick can be several things; too much momentum leading up to first crack (FC), too much heat in the circulating air within the roaster drum, too much heat in the metal parts of the roaster itself, especially the drum, the beans have gone exothermic and are adding heat to the environment, etc. The most basic explanation is there is too much heat and you risk losing control of the roast.

In the image above, I believe there is too much momentum and FC is introducing more heat into the environment and the combination of the two caused the flick. I did not do a good job of anticipating the sudden increase in heat caused by the exothermic reactions of FC. When the beans went exothermic, the added heat pushed the momentum in a positive direction.

Again in the image above, looking at the light blue, decreasing line, the crash is the steep drop immediately after the flick. Like the flick, it can be caused by a number of things; the beans no longer producing enough heat to significantly affect the momentum and/or control changes made in response to FC.

Figure 2 represents a new roast, performed right after the previous roast as I try to avoid the flick and crash. In both roasts, when the ET hit 390F I started steadily decreasing the power, indicated in the image by the blue circular annotations with Px to indicate the new power level setting. In Figure 1 (roast #327) the changes were less frequent and further apart. In Figure 2 (roast #328) you see I made more frequent changes to the power. For roast #328, I got the power down to 65 just before FC and in #327 power was at 75 just before FC, a 14% difference in applied heat. I also made an additional adjustment to fan speed in #328. For roast #327, fan speed was at 75 until the onset of FC. In #328, I set the fan speed to 85 at 7:51, in anticipation of FC.

The results of the changes moved the flick and crash later in the roast. I still had a bit of a crash just after the onset of FC because I continued to set the fan to 100 immediately at the onset of FC. But moving the flick and crash is progress!

Following this simple rule allowed the snakes to perform trail-following behaviour that was both accurate and directed. If both tongue tips ever touched the ground outside of the trail, the male would stop and swing his head back and forth, tongue-flicking, until he relocated the trail.

When following a scent-trail, snakes simply touch their tongue tips down to the ground to pick up the chemical information lying there. But snakes can also use a different type of tongue-flick to sample airborne chemicals.

Snakes inspect new things by flicking their tongue like Kob is demonstrating. This allows them to bring scents from the air to a specialized organ inside their mouths that can interpret this scent information. This is called a vomeronasal organ and is actually found in lots of animals including cats, horses, and even humans! 

When my 7 YO daughter runs her legs flick out to the sides. At birth, she was diagnosed with hip dysplasia and was put in a hip spiker for a period of 12 weeks. The diagnosis only came from the fact that I had Perthes disease when young and I went through a more invasive and long period of treatment requiring a hip replacement, so I asked for tests to be done.

The way that some birds flick, wag, or flare their tails can be distinctive. A flicking or flashing tail might suggest to a predator that a bird is particularly alert or hard to catch, while also warning others in the flock of danger. Tail flicking can also help flush out prey. A Hooded Warbler -- or a Song Sparrow, like this one -- may flare its tail while foraging low to the ground to cause insects to jump, making them easier prey.

Personally I love that he has the ability to do the crazy flicks it significantly increases his viability in loops that would otherwise be impossible to play, and raises his skill ceiling. If Blight couldn't do Jflicks I don't think he would be nearly as fun to play.

Tbh I don't mind if the j-flick gets patched, been playing him since November without the tech and enjoyed him a lot despite his awful POV and collision. I'm a pretty casual player so I'm definitely biased but if Blight becomes meta like Spirit we'll see how it goes.

No offense to those who main Spirit ofc, but Spirit and her mindgame power doesn't take as much skill as learning Blight on his own and the j-flick on its own. I can get at least one j-flick per game but it usually doesn't hit the survivors cause I'm pretty bad at mindgaming with the flick tech.

This isn't a 360 no scope. Blight already has a huge hitbox on his lunge, similar to Oni or Demo's shred. You don't need to be precise to land hits, and dodging out like you would vs Billy doesn't work most of the time either. You just get caught in the massive splash zone hitbox. The hitbox that is designed around his limited turn rate, not this broken "tech". The few times I have actually dodged one of these flicks, was by moving so far out of position that I would just be M1'd seconds later because his lunge cooldown is so short. Counterplay indeed.

You remove his flicking and he immediately looses a large amoutn of his strength. He's probably one of the healthiest killers in the game where the better player wins, like huntress and nurse. Sure it may not be an intentional feature but it works well, and in no way is it unbalanced. You want to talk about unbalanced, why aren't you calling for spirit or deathslinger or twins changes? But instead trying to destroy blight?

This is a killer with an intentionally low turning radius that typically requires add-ons to turn a bit better. The main counter to him is maneuvering such that he can't turn fast enough to land a hit. He clearly was not balanced with instant 180 degree turns in mind. I agree that Blight is a reasonably fair and well-done killer, but I would not say the same if lots of people were abusing this exploit.

On the discussion with Billy, I'd like to note for some weird, inexplicable reason, your controller sensitivity affects Billy's "Super-Steering" at the very start of a chainsaw dash. Even if you're on a mouse and keyboard and don't have a controller plugged in.

I'm a flick Blight and this isn't something anyone can just do the first time they play Blight. It takes practice and while it might require a high dpi, it gives Blight a higher skill ceiling which is always nice and should be encouraged instead of having killers like Spirit, Hag, Slinger and Pyramid Head.

J Flicking is also very counterable. If you know you're up against a flick Blight, hold w more instead of trying to loop tiles when he's in his power. Camping pallets is also pretty hard to counter as Blight as well forcing the break.

Sure this blight whiffs a lot, but he knows how to flick and and clearly he doesn't get a "easy" 4k as everyone claims. Even on solo que. So instead of complaining and looking for evidence of him flicking being "OP and 4king". Next time you verse one as most of you claim that you run into flick blights a lot. Get in a locker start recording. Reflect on the recording to see what you could of done. And use that knowledge later. Even better look at streams of blight doing this. Not videos because most of them are the best game out of all the recordings. This way you can see survivors countering them in the moment. Some examples are xeno, knight light and disco. Just check them out when you can.

Please stop complaining. Sure it's an exploit but it's a healthy one that rewards skill. such as timing, how far you want to flick, guessing if the survivor hugged the wall or not. Such as Billy's flick. Which I'm pretty sure is unintended but healthy and skill rewarding. But I must be wrong because its unintended it must be a unhealthy game breaking exploit.

I never said it's the be all and end all counter to Blight but against a FLICK BLIGHT like I said, these counters work. Flick Blights tend to go for flicks more than anything so yes, camping pallets works well against him as he'll break the pallet every time allowing you to make it to another loop. Holding W has a time and place but you're obviously misinterpreting my reply and blowing it out of proportion. Save the emotion for someone who cares my guy. Breaking LOS and holding W is crippling to a flick Blight since he'll be focusing on getting a chain rush and flick at these loops while the survivor is long gone. Make sure you understand what someone is saying next time before acting like you know. I have faced the number 1 Blight in the world according to DBD stats multiple times and have held my own in chase against him. I am also a Blight main myself and these are things that work but hey, if you think you're right more power to ya. You're the one who's struggling to counter him. Not me. e24fc04721

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