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By extending the duration of chill effects, the reaper is able to stay in close where their threat is the most potent. Chilled foes also have a harder time dealing damage to the reaper, making the reaper an imposing foe for enemies without proper condition removal.

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ATTENTION: As a wholesale Dealer you can use our easy ORDER FORM (above) which will take you to our Easy Order Form to place an order. Wholesale accounts receive instantly %based off of each collection all our products currently. You will be able to checkout like normal, but will be able to view our wholesale pricing for each product. Once placed we will send you tracking and an invoice for record (we're pretty quick on getting orders out). Any questions or concerns please reach out to our Wholesale Team at for assistance. Thank you for your support and have a great day! NOTE: We do keep a certain amount of products and quantities for dealers, and our online consumers. You'll be able to see what's available, quantities, and more. We do restocks periodically on certain products, but 90% or more of our products are limited meaning once they're sold out, they're gone forever. Thank you, we appreciate your support and business! *IMPORTANT* subject to change in the future, but we will send notifications of any changes in the future. Dealer accounts are reviewed periodically since only a limited amount of dealers can be approved at a time, so dealers who haven't placed an order over a length of time could be removed or denied wholesale access in the future. We want to be completely transparent, and keep things fair for future wholesale dealers wanting to carry our product as well. Thank you! :)

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Unlike the regenerator, there is only one reaper thread total for all connections (the reaper thread operates on the master node, in cases of a cluster). The reaper operates at most every hour, with respect to the cron specified in the PDT Maintenance Schedule of the connection settings.

The reaper uses the active_derived_tables table in the internal database to determine which tables it should drop from the scratch schema. Before the reaper drops any tables, it will update the active_derived_tables table.

Updating the active_derived_tables table:

The reaper first acquires a list of all derived tables in use in production-built LookML and then deletes rows from the active_derived_tables table for any tables not in that list.

Next, the reaper gathers a list of all tables that currently exist on the scratch schema and then deletes rows from the active_derived_tables table for any tables that are not in that list.

Next the reaper will remove rows from the active_derived_tables table for any persist_for PDTs that have expired.

After this, the active_derived_tables table is up-to-date with what active tables live on the scratch schema.

In its updated state, the active_derived_tables table contains a list of all active tables that exist on the scratch schema. Note that this table does not include tables that should exist on the scratch schema but don't for some reason (i.e. a table that hasn't been built yet or was dropped by a user or by error).

Now that the active_derived_tables table is up to date, the reaper is ready to begin dropping tables.

Checking reg_key and dropping tables:

For all tables on the scratch_schema, the reaper first checks to see if the reg_key is valid. The reg_key is the 2 letters following the LX$ in the table name, where X= C or R. The connection_reg_r3 table on the scratch_schema contains a list of all valid reg_keys.

If the reg_key is valid:

The reaper typically only reaps tables for its Looker instance - it can identify the instance a PDT belongs to based on the instance hash in the PDT table name.

Under very specific circumstances, two instances can have the same instance hash and the reaper for one instance will reap PDTs that are active on another instance. This is known as enemy reaping and can cause problems with the reaping process.

I'm pretty new with k8s and k8ssandra project.I just deployed k8ssandra operator followed V2 version instruction on k8s cluster.After that, I could not found the reaper or grafana services and pods.What I expecting is just like what the official site said, they combined reaper and grafana into k8ssandra operator project.Really need your help if you have any idea about this solution.

Cyrus McCormick spied his archrival for the first time in the April 1834 issue of Mechanics' Magazine, which published a drawing and description of a mechanized reaping machine patented by Obed Hussey. McCormick immediately wrote a letter to the editor claiming that he had invented a reaper in 1831 based on the same principle as Hussey's machine.

"Of all the inventions during the first half of the nineteenth century which revolutionized agriculture, the reaper was probably the most important," wrote University of Chicago historian William Hutchinson in his two-volume biography of McCormick in the 1930s. The reaper broke the harvest-labor bottleneck by allowing the farmer "to reap as much as he could sow." This big step toward automation allowed farms to become larger and more productive. In turn, the mechanization of agriculture accelerated industrialization and urbanization as displaced workers migrated more rapidly from farms to factories.

The traditional story of the McCormick reaper begins with Cyrus' father, Robert McCormick, who had been trying to develop a workable reaper for several years at Walnut Grove, the family's plantation in Rockbridge County, Va. After Robert abandoned the project in 1831, young Cyrus started building a reaper based on a different principle. Within six weeks, he successfully demonstrated his machine by harvesting oats at nearby Steele's Tavern.

But the long-standing debate over who invented the reaper obscures a more important question, says David Hounshell, professor of technology and social change at Carnegie Mellon University. "From a Schumpeterian perspective, who was the successful entrepreneur who was innovating mechanized reaping in the United States and Europe?"

So regardless of who invented the reaper, Hounshell contends that Cyrus was the Schumpeterian entrepreneur whose insights and efforts led to its widespread adoption. As early as the 1840s, Cyrus promoted the reaper with sophisticated use of advertising and publicity. He moved to Chicago in 1847 to better serve the emerging Midwestern market. Then he assembled a large and effective sales network and equipped it with slick catalogs, posters, and other promotional items. He capitalized on international marketing opportunities, and he eventually helped bring state-of-the-art manufacturing to the Midwest.

Given Cyrus' entrepreneurial prowess and the obvious utility of the reaper, economists and historians have wondered why farmers were slow to adopt the machine. Hussey patented his reaper in 1833, and McCormick followed in 1834, but farmers didn't start purchasing the machines in large numbers until the mid-1850s.

The traditional explanation for this surge in sales was the rapid rise of global wheat prices during the Crimean War, which limited grain exports from Russia and other nations in the Black Sea region. But in the 1960s, Stanford University economist Paul David offered another primary explanation: He argued that before the mid-1850s, most American farms were simply too small to make reapers practical.

Olmstead also faulted David for assuming that there were no significant advances in reaper technology between 1833 and the 1870s. This assumption that the reaper was born fully developed grew into a "historical fact," Olmstead wrote, even though it ignored "extremely knowledgeable historians who emphasized how a host of technological changes transformed an experimentally crude, heavy, unwieldy, and unreliable prototype of the 1830s into the relatively finely engineered machinery of the 1860s."

The idea that the reaper was born fully developed was promoted aggressively by the McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. as part of a long-term branding strategy based on the sole-inventor legend of Cyrus. Over the years, many of the company's distortions and exaggerations came to be accepted as historical facts, according to Daniel Ott, a visiting professor of history at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. In particular, the company claimed that Cyrus' invention "signaled a monumental jump forward in the progress of civilization and the circumstances of farmers everywhere," Ott wrote. But in reality, the McCormick reaper of 1831 was not a monumental jump; it was only Cyrus' first step as the reaper's Schumpeterian entrepreneur. ff782bc1db

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