I am trying to follow directions here because my router keeps dropping the WAN connection when I attempt to download large amounts of data. I am seeing the signature port drops in dmesg that old realtek drivers produce.

As per my earlier forum post on the RTL838X (et. al.) support thread, I'd like to get realtek-poe supported in mainline OpenWrt, even if it's known that realtek-poe is not really of production-quality standardization that OpenWrt wants.

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Then, rework this into e.g. ubus call poe sendframe '{"frame": "0x09 0x01"}' -- that's the first frame, you are skipping the frame number, padding and checksum at the end. PLEASE let me know if this works after compiling my realtek-poe for your system.

To that last bit -- I think there is an issue with my realtek-poe -- I do iterate at one point over MAX_PORTS and not 8. I should fix this to use the currently discovered number of ports, but I don't know if it'd crash things -- @mrnuke will be giving me their crash report at some point.

I knew that realtek-poe would not make it upstream in this form, but I did not knew that people are having issues with it. My hope was that it would eventually land in the packages feed.

I am running a more or less stock 21.02.3 with John Crispins patch without any issues.

will correct the problem. But only if you download it. Extract it. Could not install it with yast. Rename it to rtl8821ae. And put it in /lib/modules/5.3.18-lp152.19-default/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtlwifi/rtl8821ae/. run modprobe rtl8821ae. AND IT FREAKEN WORKS. Hope this helps someone from going thru what I went thru in the last couple of days.

I just had the same problem, but it's not because of the driver. The culprit is the new realtek audio control which has removed the lever for audio monitoring level. You have to use an old version of realtek control panel to make it work.For example try downloading audio drivers for this motherboard it and look for the file RAVCpl64.exe under the Vista64 folder.

Mike, try the default windows driver first (if any); next are the drivers supplied with Your motherboard, to make things easier choose a driver only install dropping the rest of the software coming with the card. Make sure that the device is configured for two channels stereo output even if the card is capable of more "advanced" modes. By searching the forum for realtek You'll find plenty of info more useful than "buy a SB", which is Your last option if nothing else works.

Hey I just posted a possible solution. Check your hardware ids for both realtek devices. In my case they were different hardware ids all together so windows was automatically installing the wrong driver!I didn't see Intel smart audio in the dell drivers so I used iobit driver booster to update all the drivers in the system and everything started working fine afterwards I'm thinking I found the solution.

Having the same exact issue here with 17" dell laptop. This laptop is less than a yr old still under warranty and I don't understand. It installs 2 related and sound stops working, I uninstall both and restart PC. 1 gets installed and everything works fine then couple days later sound stops working again just to see another duplicate realtek. .

So I noticed something interesting. The 2 separate realtek devices had 2 different hardware ID's!!1 was hdaudio (which is realtek)Another was Intel smart audio. I left both devices as is (both as realtek) and decided to use iobit driver booster to update all of the drivers in The system. Well to my surprise, after a restart, the sound started working again and it was only 1 realtek audio device. Time will tell if this was the permanent fix but I have a good feeling about it. ff782bc1db

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