Beyond Reality

David Cairncross never did return to repaint his placeholder lettering on Reality Checkpoint.

So what did he do after his heroic efforts on Parker's Piece in 1973? It seems London's Embankment very nearly had painted Cairncross lampposts of its own. The last word goes to David:

In fact I moved to London and sublimated my interest in lamppost painting by writing to Mr Cresswell's counterparts at what would then have been the GLC, suggesting that some of the magnificent and numerous fishy lampposts along the Thames embankment would be suitable candidates for similar treatment. At that time they were a particularly dull and washed-out colour, as I pointed out in my letter. ... I was invited in to an impressive office in County Hall with a view over the river to discuss my proposal with the two officials in charge.

I was given a remarkably positive reception, and I recall the more sympathetic and possibly senior one reminding his colleague of the resistance they had initially had to overcome from the engineers when they had begun to pick out the colours on bridges such as Albert Bridge. I don't now recollect exactly where we left things but as you may be aware the lampposts are nowadays painted a smart if sombre black, like Reality Checkpoint, rather than the former dishwater colour. The same goes for the rather splendid sphinx-shaped supports for the benches which face onto much of the river. So there has been some progress there, though not enough in my view, and in any case I have no idea whether I am entitled to any share of the credit.