Real Diesel Generator Services Uganda

Office: +256 704 829 913

We completely understand that you may not always be thinking about your generator all of the time, but fortunately we love to think about your generator every day! We believe in Real’s timeless advice when it comes to generator maintenance.

That’s why we offer flexible generator maintenance plans so that you’ll never have to worry about your generator and that you’ll always know it’ll be working when you need it.

With huge driven technical excellence, our company is actively providing our clients with the best quality Generator Repair and Services. While rendering this service, our experts use sophisticated tools and machines as par with the specific requirement of our valuable clients.

Contact Us Today

We always maintain the records of your generator repair service history with our generator maintenance program and our repair technicians are certified to perform all maintenance duties and generator repairs necessary.

For any further inquiries, mail or contact us

Office:   +256  750 614 536

 Phone:   +256  784 313 767
