Greta Thunberg Phone Number

Greta Thunberg Contact Number, Email address and house address details. Contact Greta Thunberg Social Environmental Activist.

Born: January 3, 2003 (age 17 years), Stockholm, Sweden

Nationality: Swedish

Full name: Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg

Parents: Malena Ernman, Svante Thunberg

Awards: Time's Person of the Year, Right Livelihood Award,

Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg is a Swedish environmental activist on climate change whose campaigning has gained international recognition. Thunberg is known for her straightforward speaking manner, both in public and to political leaders and assemblies, in which she urges immediate action to address the climate crisis.

You can contact Greta Thunberg teen environmental activist through her different contact methods as shown below.

Contact Greta Thunberg through phone number and discuss your official or environmental matters. The easiest method is always contact phone number of the celebrity and social environmental activists.

Secondly, email contact is a simple and most conventional method there to contact the activist Greta Thunberg, You can send an email to her email id and receive a response in few hours or a day to your matter and subject.

Greta is living in Sweden with her parents. She is social and Environmental activist who working for to stop the environmental crisis and cliamte change. You can have her house address for postal mail and meetup.

Note: All details of Greta thunberg are as per 2020.