
 Esteban Garcia      

It is right around the year 2005 when I started having this experience that could only be describe as bordering on the paranormal. An entity that with intimate knowledge of all my affairs tried to take control of my life and every relationship. It revealed to me a reality we are usually oblivious to, and a larger ecosystem humanity has apparently always been a part of. It would eventually develop into a daily struggle for survival, as I also realized that this was part of a much bigger scheme involving international politics. 

I have come under attack by an Alien entity that claims to be killing members of my family. It is a painful experience that should not go untold, apparently we are being exterminated as we speak. They have even showed up in large numbers and made their presence known in no uncertain terms. I have tried to report this to the authorities and captured some of my impressions on several platforms that have remained largely inaccessible, Facebook pages, a You Tube channel, a Blog, Website as well as a couple of books. 

Apparently they’ve been using me in some kind of extortion associated with people in the darkest corners of our government and an ancient secret cabal running the world, organizations that possess this secret like the Illuminati and do Satan’s bidding for their own advancement. In other words, it is intended to keep the code of silence imposed on humanity since ancient times through a system of fear and terror (which comes with many ramifications). I have been held hostage in a very high stakes game that includes many of the accidents and “natural disasters” reported in the news lately. It seems to be making a basic demand that we submit to an advance that has until now depended heavily on confusion and our own ignorance. They are suspects already in the 911 attacks and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, as well as the Challenger and Columbia “accidents” and the disappearance of Malaysia Air Lines 370. 

I found out that they have been following most of my life and that I was taken from Cuba as a teenager to play this role in their perverse plan. My family has been made complete slaves and will do almost anything to avoid the worse effects of the assault. The radiation is almost constant along with a chanting that seems to prophase my awful fate. So far, I have suffered many injuries such as several contusions as well as unexplained illnesses and other health problems. But it goes beyond that they have conceived the complete destruction of humanity and have been working diligently to bring about the prophetic end, coercing leaders in the institutions you should trust into lying to you. 

Unfortunately, it's not just cattle and animals being mutilated; human mutilation is happening on all levels. News that could solve most mysteries going back thousands of years should not be ignored either, from the secrets of Machu Picchu and Pyramids of Egypt to the Twin Towers. We are already the victims of a moral and economic assault that involves the penetration of all means communications, subverting popular culture and a systematic dismantling of our institutions. In this context we get the flood of illegal immigrants and the commoditization of "the oppressed", as well as the African American diaspora which seems to have some inherent value after four hundred years of oppression. 

Entrenched in our means of communication (and politics) they are in constant conversation with us, testing our understanding and enriching the environment to “consume”. Leaving signs of their presence in our cultures and language. They use a parasitic approach, mystify, confuse and eviscerate, and constantly work on corrupting the information. They will paralyze and attack the sin, the right-left grind, and put a price on socioeconomic integration, promoting mostly a chaotic universe, the immaculate emancipation and liberal collectivism. This is what we know as Religion and the Paranormal, but also the end of day's Globalization and apocalyptic New Liberal Order.

What the world needs to know. 

The truth is that Aliens have the power to influence thought and corrupt the culture and today they attempt the dismantling of America and the West. They have been controlling the information forever, and won't allow disclosure because we have fallen in their moral and economic trap, which means we are killing ourselves. That is the fight between "good and evil", the left and the right, east and west, black and white, Illuminate, the church, Jewish, Christians, Muslims, you name it. Conflict is the purpose, they are happy to control the world from the shadows, control the governments and human politics until we destroy ourselves...They are as happy to keep us fighting and play hide and seek with the UFOs like the new "gods" in the sky, perplexing and mysterious. That is the game. Today they want to destroy America so it takes on the form of the new progressive agenda mostly to generate the idiosyncratic conflicts and transcultural decline. Diversity, Inclusion and Equity is a good sale, same old gospel. Are you buying?

Now you know the play; the cultural fraud. I'm not choosing sides because the play both sides but TODAY they are using the left to erase it all, make us pay for the "sins of the past" (which they set up in a brilliant double move). Respect for the moral and political boundaries (cultures and borders) is the only way, the only kind of love...