When the socket is (e)polled, I sometimes see a write-ready notification happening when there's 7M space in the send buffer, sometimes 20M and at other times 1M. The variation in the delay between write-ready callbacks is huge: from milliseconds to tens of seconds!

tl;dr; As long as your socket has enough buffer space writes succeed and epoll_wait will return events to say so in the default level-triggered mode. If the socket runs out of space blocking writers will sleep. The kernel will wake processes (or deliver epoll events to say the socket is writable) when data is acknowledged freeing up space but only if the socket had run out of space. Just as before if nothing changes as long as the socket is writable the level-triggered events will pour in, even if no new notifications come from TCP.

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But when is sk_write_space called? There are a few call sites but the most prominent is tcp_new_space which is called by tcp_check_space, which is called by tcp_data_snd_check which is called from a bunch of places on the receive path. The function has a descriptive comment:

There are other callers of sk_write_space in TCP. do_tcp_sendpages and tcp_sendmsg_locked call it on error paths to make sure callers are woken up. do_tcp_setsockopt calls it when setting TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT.

I'm one of those people who would sit on my ass with these book ideas and just...never write them. The excuses that cycled through were, "I'm not ready" or, "I'm waiting for a sign that it's time" or something alike. But the thing about that, is that I was never ready, and that special sign never made an appearance.

Books I sat on for literally almost a decade could have long-since been written and used as practice in the least, and at most? Been published. Been seen by people to show my skills. Because I know I can write damn well with spontaneity on my side.

Following on from my previous post re unreliable WiFi connections, I found that the problem was caused by calling DataWriter::write()too soon after creating the DataWriter. Because write()is non-blocking it returned immediately without doing anything. Also, because it is void, there is no error return code.

I then attached it to the DataWriter, as per the examples in another RTI page. This class is instantiated, as I can set a breakpoint on the constructor. Alas when the other app (implementing the DataReader) is started, the on_publication_matched() callback is never called. I want that function to call condition_variable::notify_one(), so that the publisher function can wait on it so it knows when the DataWriter is ready to send.

I am glad you have it working now but you should be aware of a potential race condition that could now occur in your system (apologies for not pointing this out sooner). Currently, when the on_publication_matched callback on the Publisher is fired, we consider the system ready (with all entities ready to go etc.). However, in reality, Discovery is a bidirectional process, and it could happen that the Subscriber has not yet finished its own matching process with the Publisher (and therefore is not ready to begin receiving data).

Re that suggestion of using a separate topic just to check if the Replier is ready, I have a question. To reiterate, I have a central registry app (the Replier in this case) that trades messages with any number of apps representing devices. So the registry and devices act as both publishers and subscribers.

If discovery occurs before messages start flying, would this separate topic in the Replier just respond to every new subscriber it discovers with an "I'm ready" notification, or just the first one? I take it each new subscriber would just wait till it had received such a notification before sending its 'real' topic messages?

Thanks Sam, but if Discovery is per entity, why would the separate 'discovery' topic (with Transient Local Durability you mentioned in your post of 17 May) be relevant? I assume it would have its own DataReader, in which case it would just tell the Requester that it was ready, it wouldn't say anything about the other DataReader's handling the application data.

Can you see any opportunity for Alex's suggestion above, that I use the on_subscription_matched event? I can see the benefit of the on_publication_matched event in the Writer, but not so convinced about the one for the Reader. After all it would have to tell its corresponding writer apps, and what if they weren't ready...?

On your Device's DataWriter you have the on_publication_matched callback which notifies you when Discovery at the local end has completed. The problem is that you have no way of knowing on the Device's DataWriter when the Registry's DataReader is ready.

If you create a new Transient Local topic and write() it when the Registry's on_subscription_matched callback is fired, you can convey this information to the Device application. Since the new topic's Durability is configured as Transient Local, it doesn't matter if its Discovery has completed yet or not (since the message will be resent to any late joiners). The receipt of a message from this new topic can act as a flag that the DataReader's on_subscription_matched callback has fired.

The installation of Connext DDS should have created a directory called "rti_workspace" for you. Within this directory we ship an example of Request/Reply (rti_workspace/6.0.0/examples/connext_dds/c++11/hello_world_request_reply). All of the code is already written so you will just need to follow the instructions in the README.txt in that directory to build the example. The example is not using SimpleReplier or SimpleRequester but I think it will help you see the intended use of the APIs.

Looking at the sample source you suggested (.../c++11/hello_world_request_reply), is there a typo in run_example() in PrimeNumberReplier.cxx? The ReplierParams datawriter_qos/datareader_qosboth get their values from the RequesterExampleProfile element in the USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml, whereas I see there is also a ReplierExampleProfile element. I presume the latter is correct for the replier, as it reverses the datawriter_qos/datareader_qos values.

While discussing how we get ready to write, we all discovered that we share some similarities. For example, we like to be in a comfortable environment and believe that starting our essay, assignment, blog, etc., is the hardest part. Krista and Erin need complete silence in order to think effectively. Whereas, James can work in noisy environments. We all favor creative assignments that apply to our interests whereas writing a given assignment by the professor.

We also found out that we have differences when it comes to the writing process. Erin realizes that she works better and thinks more clearly if her room/surroundings are clean and organized. Krista likes to eat or drink coffee while she is writing, and James does his research while writing the paper but also finds it effective to make an outline. After analyzing the ways we all write, we learned that we have similar ways to go about writing. Also, it was interesting to learn that what we may not like may facilitate writing for another.

Next, brainstorm some (probably fairly random) thoughts onto a piece of paper. Mind maps may be useful here, and such activity will help you determine what you know already and what are the areas and issues that you need to research.

You can write your plan out in list form under a series of headings, alternatively you might find a visual technique useful, such as mind maps or pyramids. With the latter, information is organized in a hierarchical fashion, with the most general categories at the top, followed by aspects of those categories, then examples, as in the diagram below.

There comes the point where you have to put pen to paper, or finger to mouse, and start to actually write the essay or report. The writing process will be much easier if you have followed the steps above, but even so writing can be daunting and writers' block can quickly set in. One way of dealing with this is by recognizing that you will need to go through a series of drafts, and that writing is an iterative process of organization, drafting, refinement, redrafting and further refinement.

Another important point is that you do not need to write in chronological sequence. You can write some parts before others, also when you are at the stage of gathering information and developing your ideas, you may find a particular way of expressing that comes into your head. If it does so, don't be afraid to write it down.

I've been having problems with my writing dvd drive for some time now. First I thought it was just some minor problem and didn't really get into it but now I've noticed I can't burn any cd/dvd with any burning program. Nero, CD Burner and now ImgBurn all stop at 100%, though only now with img burn have I got some more information about my problem. It seems that the cd/dvd writes without a problem but the program can't finish the burning process, which I think occurs from it not been able to close the disk.

I've been searching for a solution for quite a while now but haven't made it work yet. I understand that the problem is because the drive isn't answering whether it is ready, or something like that. I've updated my dvd drive firmware (supposedly found the right and latest one), but that did no good. It is a laptop we're talking about so I can't really take my dvd drive off and test with another one.

2. Cover endorsements: Most professional books have a few cover endorsements. The more well known the endorser, generally the better. Approach a few people you know and get them to write something. Most people are flattered by the opportunity. These endorsements are helpful, but will not alone generate huge sales unless you have a huge name endorsing the book.

Do you really think Hunger Games author, Suzanne Collins, or Harry Potter author, J.K. Rowling, were marinated in creativity before they started to write? J.R.R. Tolkien was correcting exam papers before he started writing The Hobbit. ff782bc1db

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