Spectral Theory Reading Seminar

Organizer: Wencai Liu

Goal: The reading seminar targets young researchers. The goal is to create a friendly research community where people can share their experience, present their ongoing projects, as well as motivate other members.

Structure:One or two topics will be chosen every semester from various areas. All participants are very welcome to propose topics.

  • Currently, I have several topics at hand: periodic operators on trees, discrepancy and isotropic discrepancy of shift and skew-shift, unique continuation results, gap labelling conjecture, Diophantine approximations, Floquet theory, quasi-periodic operators, random Schrodinger operators, Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser theorem.

  • After figuring out topics, several articles will be correspondingly chosen. They can be classical papers, survey articles and most recent preprints.

  • Every graduate student is highly encouraged to do 2 or 3 presentations every semester. All participants can present their reseach outcomes and also ongoing projects in seminar.

  • Each semester, I expect having one senior graduate student or postdoc assist in organizing the seminar.


Key Participants in Spring 2022:

  • Postdocs and Graduate students: Rodrigo Matos, Matthew Faust and Jordy Garcia

Key Participants in Spring 2021:

  • Postdocs: Burak Hatinoglu, Rodrigo Matos, Weinan Wang

  • Graduate students: Jorge Villalobos Alvarado, Alberto Takase, Kang Lv, Matthew Powell, Matthew Faust, Marshall King, Alexander Weygandt, Lee Fisher, Sheagan John

Key Participants in Fall 2020:

  • Postdocs: Burak Hatinoglu, Rodrigo Matos, Jianchao Wu

  • Graduate students: Jorge Villalobos Alvarado, Matthew Faust, Marshall King, Kang Lv, Quyuan Lin, Matthew Powell

Key Participants in Spring 2020:

  • Postdocs: Hao Guo, Jianchao Wu

  • Graduate students: Jintao Deng, Mahmood Ettehad, Burak Hatinoglu, Petr Naryshkin, James Oquinn, Alexander Weygandt, Xiaoyu Su, Krzysztof Swiecicki