Reading Head Start: This Could Affect Your Childs Life Forever… (The Best Teacher Your Child Will Ever Have… Are YOU!)

What Is Reading Head Start?

A Complete Curriculum of Guided Reading Lessons That Easily Transforms ANY Parent Into Their Childs Favorite Teacher.

Hundreds of Lessons, Activities, Workbooks, Games, And Movies In An Ever Growing Member Section, Keeps Parents Coming Back Month After Month!

This Is A Product You Can Be Proud To Get Behind And Makes A Real Difference In Parents And Children’s Lives.

Why Use Reading Head Start?

The Reading Head Start approach is one of the most well researched and highly successful reading strategies available for young kids.

And it’s so crucial to get a head start on kids’ reading success at an early age. Not only does early reading success predict reading success at older ages… it predicts success across the board, in any subject. And it’s impossibly hard to catch up if reading is not mastered early.

Did you know…

Toddler Word Level Predicts Success

Did you know kids prepare for their reading education years before even reading their first book?

That’s because 90% of a child’s brain is developed by age three.

That means that by age three, a child’s vocabulary can predict third-grade reading proficiency.

That’s why it’s so important to get started early using a system that works for kids!

Once Behind, It’s Difficult to Catch Up

37% of children today enter Kindergarten without the skills necessary to begin their learning journey and that’s troubling.

By the end of first grade, kids are expected to ask questions and remember story details.

And if a child isn’t reading at grade level by that point, there’s an 88% likelihood that he will still be behind in reading by fourth grade.

And that could change their entire lives, because…

Poor Reading Leads to Dropping Out And Poverty

Children who are not reading at grade level by fourth grade are four times more likely to drop out of school and thirteen times more likely to drop out if they also live in poverty.

Did you know that one out of seven adults have such low literacy skills that they can’t read anything more complicated than a child’s picture book?

Illiteracy doesn’t just lead to low self-esteem. It also leads to poverty and crime.

Who Is Sarah Shepard?

As a parent, you want a reading program that’s going to work. Most of the time, you receive advice or programs that aren’t effective in improving your child’s reading capabilities.

Sarah Shepard, a mother, and teacher with 14+ years of experience in the education system decided to create this program.

As a parent herself, she struggled with her child’s reading comprehension but found it hard to find a reading program that worked and didn’t take hours of her day.

That’s when Sarah chose to create the Reading Head Start program which focused on reading comprehension while balancing parent’s busy schedules. With having three kids herself, she understood that not every parent has this amount of time to spend solely on reading.

At what age can you start teaching a child to read?

When they’re babies? At 2 years old, 3, 4, or 5 years old, or wait until they’re in school?

According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress,

If you delay your child’s reading skill development until he or she enters school, you are putting your child at risk…

Did you know that 67% of all Grade 4 students cannot read at a proficient level!

Of that 67%, 33% read at just the BASIC level,

And 34% CANNOT even achieve reading abilities of the lowest basic level!

There is a super simple and extremely effective system that will even teach 2 and 3-year-old children to read.

This is a unique reading program developed by a loving parent and English teacher of 14 years, who successfully taught all of her children to read before turning 3 years old.

The reading system she developed is so effective that by the time her daughter was just 4 years old, she was already reading at a grade 3 level.

She has a video to prove it…

Her reading system is called Reading Head Start, and it is nothing like the infomercials you see on TV, showing babies appearing to read, but who have only learned to memorize a few word shapes.

This is a program that will teach your child to effectively decode and read phonetically.

It will allow you to teach your child to read and help your child develop reading skills years ahead of similar aged children.

This is not a quick fix solution where you put your child in front of the TV or computer for hours and hope that your child learns to “read”… somehow…

This is a reading program that requires you, the parent, to be involved. But the results are absolutely amazing.

Thousands of parents have used Reading Head Start to successfully teach their children to read.

All it takes is 10 to 15 minutes a day.

What Will You Learn From Reading Head Start?

Through interactive games, videos, and worksheets, your child will improve their literacy skills, however, as a parent, you’ll also be learning skills to help improve their reading comprehension. That way, you can continue to work on their reading skills long after the program is over.

As a parent, you’ll learn:

· How to gain your child’s interest in reading, even when they’re not interested.

· Special methods to reverse dyslexia.

· Understand the importance of reading at an early age.

· Tips on the do’s and don’ts when engaging in teaching your child how to read.

· How to improve how your child pronounciate words.

· The inefficient teaching methods in today’s educational system and why you should avoid them.

· A fun and entertaining approach to reading which will captivate your child’s attention.

· Linguistic Development and Communication skills. You’ll be given skills to help improve your child’s vocabulary and communication skills.

· Positive social interactions. The lessons help improve your child’s social skills with other people, including their peers.

· Optimal Neurological development. The lessons and worksheets will improve your child’s brain development.

· Psychological Fortitude. Increase your child’s self-esteem and confidence not only with reading but in all aspects of life.

Benefits of Using the Reading Head Start Books

There are multiple advantages to using the Reading Head Start program. These benefits include:


Reading Head Start is extraordinarily effective and works as described. You can confirm its benefits by checking Reading Head Start reviews on YouTube, where other happy clients praise the program.

Enjoyable Learning:

The book has many guides and interactive games, which make the learning process enjoyable for kids. The content is also entertaining for parents and teachers using the reading program. It breaks down all the hard things into simplistic blocks, which you’ll enjoy going through, as opposed to traditional books that you have to force yourself or kids to be able to read.


The lessons are parent-friendly. All you have do is start playing it, and all the videos will appear on your screen to teach the procedures. You can go through the videos at your own pace. As mentioned earlier, the Reading Head Start program only takes 15 minutes to go through, and you only need to use it once every day, three times a week, until your child starts improving on all levels.


The cost of this reading program will undoubtedly convince you to try it. You can get trials that are accessible for three days at just $1. We’ll discuss more the cost of purchasing this book in the next section.


One of the most amazing things about this program is that parents who don’t get the desired result can get their money back even after a year. There is a 365-day money-back guarantee.


If you don’t have enough time to teach your child how to read, then this reading course might not be a worthy investment for you. You will have to spend at least 15 minutes each day, and three times a week teaching your child. If this time is too much for you, then the reading head start program won’t work for you.

You also need a stable and reliable internet connection to access the online.

How Much Does the Program Cost?

Most people expect the Reading Head Start program to be somewhat expensive. Fortunately, it’s available at a fair cost because it is a genuinely top-quality product.

The annual price of the book is $297, with a one full year money-back guarantee. Unlimited access to the program for life costs $597. At the time of writing this article, you can get the 1-year deal at a discounted $197 and $297 for the lifetime deal.

Lastly, as indicated before, you can just pay $1 to receive a free trial and then $37 every month to continue using the Reading Head Start program.

Refund Policy:

Customers will need to adhere to their trial period and cancellation policies to ensure they don’t pay any recurring fees if they aren’t satisfied with the reading program.

The Reputation of This Program:

Sarah Shepard, the author of the reading program, is an English Teacher. She’s also a parent. One story she tells in the program is how her child failed English in kindergarten.

This was difficult to accept, especially for an English teacher. It motivated her to work on this program, which led to a turnaround of the child’s grade.

On the flip side, claims that the reading program can reverse Dyslexia requires more research. Dyslexia is a lifelong condition that affects how the brain expresses the information it views. It is, therefore, unlikely that the program can heal the condition.

Does the Program Work or Is It a Scam?

In our Reading Head Start review and research, we found this is a genuine program that will help your kids learn many things. Its approach is to prepare children to learn how to read by teaching them how each letter sounds. It also teaches children how letters can change the sound of a word when added or removed from a word. This method allows kids to learn the language naturally.

Most nursery schools may leave out some fundamentals, such as teaching children the powerful foundation of letters and sounds. A reading program is a useful tool for children to add to their arsenal as they start their education.

According to most user reviews, the program may also have success in older kids. Many masters skip sound basics when teaching language. Older children who may be missing the main component can still catch up regardless of the level they have reached.

So yes, the book works in guiding kids to the foundation of reading the English language. It also encourages them to embrace the reading culture and puts them ahead of other kids of their age who haven’t acquired learning skills.


Being able to read from an early age is an incredible skill to have. Not only will it improve your child’s understanding of the world around them, but it will also create a positive atmosphere for learning. If your child doesn’t feel comfortable reading, they’ll avoid it.

The ability to read from an early stage is one of the indicators of successful learning. The skill-set works by ensuring kids are able to read from a tender age and giving them a head start in their schoolwork.

A Complete Curriculum of Guided Reading Lessons That Easily Transforms ANY Parent Into Their Childs Favorite Teacher.

Hundreds of Lessons, Activities, Workbooks, Games, And Movies In An Ever Growing Member Section, Keeps Parents Coming Back Month After Month!

This Is A Product You Can Be Proud To Get Behind And Makes A Real Difference In Parents And Children’s Lives.

This head start ensures the child will succeed in their studies, even later in their lives. The reading program works better than many other similar products available in the market. We hope this Reading Head Start review will help you make the right decision for your child.