Unit 1:


Unit 1: Inquiry

Inquiry in its most basic form is about asking questions and finding answers, which may lead to more questions and new ideas and doing something, or not...it all depends on the learner and the purpose.

Inquire is the first Shared Foundation in the AASL National School Library Standards. The Inquire Key Commitment for Learners, School Librarians and School Libraries states: "Build new knowledge by inquiring, thinking critically, identifying problems, and developing strategies for solving problems." In fact, the terms inquiry process, inquiry-based research, inquiry culture, inquiry learning, guided inquiry, systematic inquiry process and more can be found throughout the entire standards document. Additionally, you'll find further connections in the AASL crosswalks with the ISTE Standards and Future Ready Librarians Framework.


AASL National School Library Standards and Crosswalks

Chart a New Course: A Guide to Teaching Essential Skills for Tomorrow's World by Rachelle Dene Poth