Re:Volution 2024 

1st International Workshop on Reverse Variability Engineering and Evolution of Software-Intensive System

Co-located with SPLC 2024, September 2 - 6, 2024, Luxembourg, Luxembourg


Identifying and managing variability in configurable systems is a challenging endeavor. Extracting features, constraints, variability models, and reusable artifacts from legacy systems requires advanced reverse engineering techniques, as implementations for variant management in such system are manifold. In addition, like software in general, configurable systems are subject to frequent changes. Not only, do these changes introduce evolution as a second problem dimension in addition to variability, they subsequently make identifying and maintaining variability harder. Traditionally, the methods and tools applied for revision control and variant management are radically different and mutually disjoint. However, research has already suggested that evolution and variability can be tackled holistically. Concrete examples of integrating approaches include uniform or unified versioning, delta-orientation, evolution-aware clone-and-own, projectional SPL editing, and variation control systems.

Re:Volution (the 1st International Workshop on Reverse Variability Engineering and Evolution of Software-Intensive Systems) joins the motivations originating from REVE and VariVolution and aims to bring together active researchers eliciting software variability and studying its evolution from different angles and practitioners who encounter these phenomena in real-world applications and systems. The workshop offers a platform for exchanging novel ideas, case studies, and tools and fosters future research collaborations and synergies.

Topics and Goals

ReVolution'24 welcomes contributions on any of the following (non-exhaustive) list of topics:

The workshop serves as a highly interactive platform for exchange, which is reflected by a diversity of submission formats ranging from original research papers over position papers to informal tool demonstrations or fully interactive sessions. The expected audience is not confined to the SPLC community; rather, we also welcome variability-relevant contributions from evolution-related fields such as software configuration management or software maintenance.


ReVolution 2024 will be held as a workshop at SPLC 2024.

Accepted Papers

How to Submit

Important Dates

The important dates for the workshop are aligned with the general workshop due dates of SPLC:

All these times are AoE.

Submission Guidelines

The workshop seeks submissions of different types and degrees of maturity in order to be inclusive of both researchers and practitioners and provide a lively platform for discussion also for early concepts and ideas.

Submissions must follow the ACM Master Article Template:

Latex users are indicated to use the “sigconf” option, so they are recommended to use the template that can be found in “sample-sigconf.tex”. In this way, the following code can be placed at the start of the latex document:


\acmConference[SPLC’24]{28th ACM International Systems and Software Product Lines Conference}{September 2 - 6, 2024}{Luxembourg}

Submissions need to be sent using EasyChair: (Track:ReVolution 2024)

Paper Categories (Maturity of Presented Work)

The workshop welcomes submissions at different levels of maturity. Make sure that you select the correct category on the submission page. Papers should range from 4 to 8 pages, with at most 2 more pages only for references (i.e., 4-8 +2).

Review Process

Full and short papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three program committee members. Position papers, ICLL papers, and tool demos will not be peer-reviewed; the workshop organizers decide whether they are accepted or not, primarily based on their potential to stimulate interesting discussions. All accepted submissions, regardless of their level of maturity, will be given a presentation slot at the workshop.

The workshop follows a single-blind review process.


Organizing Committee

Program Committee

Steering Committee


For further questions about the workshop, feel free to contact the workshop organizers:

Sebastian Krieter, Sandra Greiner, Wesley K. G. Assunção, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon

Image credit: Flickr/Derrick Brutel (CC BY-SA 2.0)