• 45 players battled in 11 groups to become the first Re-Print Master

  • On this page you can find all the deck pictures, all the groups and the results of the group stage


Stasis | UW

5 wins - 4 losses | by Erik Ă–stman

6 wins - 3 losses | by Matt H

5 wins - 4 losses | by Timmy

Iron Man has stocked up his srapyard with tons of used robots and will finally take over dominaria! MUHAHAHA!!!!

2 wins - 7 losses | by Martin


Red Zoo | Mono Red

3 wins - 6 losses | by Regin Glob

4 wins - 5 losses | by Robert Meijboom

5 wins - 4 losses | by Bas vd Vijver

Zoo | RWG

6 wins - 2 losses | by Gideon


6 wins - 3 losses | by Peter Jensen

1 win - 8 losses | by Victor

4 wins - 5 losses | by Michael

7 wins - 2 losses | by Joen Erik


2 wins - 4 losses | by Joep

Good old counter and removal heavy Trolls with a tiny green splash. No mind Twist (or library, lol) thus gentlemen's rules compliant. Cheeky recall, wheel and Regrowth to keep the burn and counter coming. Flashfires in the bord purely because I've not played it in ages!

5 wins - 1 loss | by Bryan

2 wins - 4 losses | by Kasper


6 wins - 3 losses | by Phil

Atog Prison | Mono R

6 wins - 3 losses | by Anders

4 wins - 5 losses | by Frank

2 wins - 7 losses | by Stephen


8 wins - 1 loss | by Robin

Blue Skies | Mono U

4 wins - 8 losses | by Elmar

6 wins - 3 losses | by Koendert

2 wins - 7 losses | by Kobus


Ja'far's Clock | Mono W | 6 wins - 6 losses |

It has been more than a thousand years since Abu Ja’far’s embarrassing defeat, since he was locked in a lamp and thrown into the dunes. It galls him to think of it.

Time is his only companion in this metal prison. Time is the one thing he still has…time.

“How long has it been?” he wonders. Time is all he thinks about anymore.

Tick, tock.

Then one night, Ja’far is released! Under the eerie glow of a blood moon, he dispenses with his “master” and sets to work on a foul machination—the Armageddon Clock.

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

“It’s time for my revenge!” he cries. “All the world will burn!”

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

Ja’far sets the last cog in place. He tightens the last screw. And after pausing just long enough to draw a circle of protection around himself, he winds his device and lets it go!

“Tick, tock! Tick, tock!” he cries.

The hands begin their revolutions. The clock marks Armageddon’s hour. Its face is an eyeless monster staring into oblivion, ushering in disintegration.

But Ja’far will live. An ageless Adam, Ja’far alone will stand among the smoke and ruins. Smiling, he thinks to himself, “It really will be a whole new world…”


By Steamfloggery

Re-animator fueled by Mind Bombs and Jalum Tomes

4 wins - 8 losses | by Croutonman

9 wins - 3 losses | by Matt Strott

2 wins - 10 losses | by Keifer

For my first foray into organized Old School Magic, I decided to go to the card that made me fall in love with the game over 20 years ago: Fireball. My first instinct was Red/Green, for the Channel-Fireball combo I so fondly remember, but with Channel restricted, I kept finding myself stuck with a board full of mana dorks and no way to close out the game. If only there were a color I could play that allowed for interaction and card draw in addition to mana ramp. And that's when I found it: Drain Power! The Blue Channel!  Playing this Blue/Red "Channel-less Fireball" has been a joy, and I highly recommend the deck to anyone who enjoys huge Fireballs for the win. :)

9 wins - 3 loses | by Tom A


1 win - 8 losses | by Meg

Pay 8 | GWU

8 wins - 1 loss | by Baron

4 wins - 5 losses | by Alex

White Weenie | Mono W

5 wins - 4 losses | by Nathan


The Trolls are at the disco and they're out for blood! And they might just destroy some land along the way...

5 wins - 4 losses | by Collin

Urzatog | Red Brown

4 wins - 5 losses | by Tim A

Psychic Fish | Mono U

4 wins - 5 losses | by Shane

Red Green Aggro with Direct Damage and Mass Enchantment/Artifact destruction. Ideally, I need to pick up 3 more Shatterstorms for this build.

5 wins - 4 losses | by David


Over bogs, sea, and prairies, he searches for his companion. A mythical creature so powerful it is said her very scales are that of iron. On his quest, he gains knowledge and arts beyond sword. Turning to books instead of blades, but never forgets the land he crosses is the ultimate weapon.

4 wins - 5 losses | By PlagueDr

4 wins - 5 losses | Kiley Rider

1 win - 8 losses | by Jeff

"You said we could have as many Plague Rats as we wanted. I put as many as I could justify in this deck (18), but, to be frank; I wanted more. MORE RATS! Some lands, some removal, some other fun stuff, and a horde of diseased rodents [of unusual size...] to gnaw on the flesh of my esteemed opponents (living or dead...). Thanks for putting together a great tournament!"

9 wins - 0 losses | by Michael Troop


This is a variation of my original W/U/b control deck from the '90s. It used to lean more heavily into counter magic but now features more disruption.

Cleopatra | UWb

7 wins - 5 losses | by Daniel

8 wins - 4 losses | by Tim H

7 wins - 5 losses | by Mightyfp

6 wins - 6 losses | by Ian M

2 wins - 10 losses | by Ryan