
Call for Collaborators 2024

We are happy to announce our 2024 Call for Collaborators hosted through New Music Mosaic (NMM). We will be selecting composers to create new
works for saxophone and viola for our 2024/2025 season. These collaborations will include a professional level studio recording provided by NMM. Unlike a call for scores, we are offering an opportunity to work directly with us over the course of a few months during the writing process. Rather than submitting works specifically for this ensemble, we request that you submit works of yours that you find to be representative of your composition language amounting to no more than 20 minutes. Any and all composers are welcome to apply. All applications will be adjudicated by the duo.

Applications are open April 1, 2024 - July 1, 2024. Collaborators will be selected by August 15th.

Submissions should include:
● Scores to works
● Links to audio and or video media of works
● A short one-page proposal for the new work you would like to write for us and/or a description of your composition style.

We will not be accepting proposals for works with electronics for this call. 3-5 composers will be selected to compose works no longer than 18 minutes without use of electronics. Saxophones available are SATB. Deadlines for the works are flexible, and we intend to set up a personalized timeline for each composer selected.

To see some of the work RE:duo has done recently, please use the YouTube link below:

Submissions should be sent through this Google Form:

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email us at!