Blocks Sum

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

RDF Apps built the Blocks Sum app as an Ad Supported app. This SERVICE is provided by RDF Apps at no cost and is intended for use as is.

This page is used to inform visitors regarding our policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to use our Service.

If you choose to use our Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy. The Personal Information that we collect is used for providing and improving the Service. We will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy.

The terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, which is accessible at Blocks Sum unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy.

Information Collection and Use

For a better experience, while using our Service, we may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information. Currently we do not collect directly any personal information (if we collect in future, we will ask you to accept the new version of the privacy policy before you are able to use the Service with that change), but the application uses third party services that can collect personal information, as well as perform the processing of personal data:

  • Google Play Console and Google services, which is intrinsic in Google Play applications, through data collected by the Google, we have access to anonymized statistical data, that help us improve the service for you. For details on how Google collects and process your personal data, please check the their privacy policy.

  • Google AdMob, we use it to show advertisements and make it possible to offer to you this Service at no cost. Through AdMob we have access to anonymous statistic data. For details on how Google collects and process your personal data through AdMob, please check their privacy policy, as well as their Advertising Privacy Policy.

  • UnityAds, we use it to show advertisements and make it possible to offer to you this Service at no cost. Through UnityAds we have access to anonymous statistic data. For details on how Unity collects and process your personal data through UnityAds, please check their privacy policy.

The information that we may request will be retained by us and used as described in this privacy policy.

Link to privacy policies of third party service providers used by the app (please read them, because by accepting this privacy policy, you are also accepting their privacy policies):


Cookies are files with a small amount of data that are commonly used as anonymous unique identifiers. These are sent to your browser from the websites that you visit and are stored on your device's internal memory.

This Service does not use these “cookies” explicitly. However, the app may use third party code and libraries that use “cookies” to collect information and improve their services. You have the option to either accept or refuse these cookies and know when a cookie is being sent to your device. If you choose to refuse our cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of this Service.


We value your trust in providing us your Personal Information, thus we are striving to use commercially acceptable means of protecting it. But remember that no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure and reliable, and we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Links to Other Sites

This Service may contain links to other sites. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that site. Note that these external sites are not operated by us. Therefore, we strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of these websites. We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services.

Children’s Privacy

These Services do not address anyone under the age of 16. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 16. In the case we discover that a child under 16 has provided us with personal information, we immediately delete this from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us so that we will be able to do necessary actions.

Disposal policy

We take reasonable measures to ensure that your personal data is not stored for longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes described in this policy or required by applicable law. As we currently do not collect or store any personal data directly from you, we are unable to list the stipulated periods for each category of personal data and also we are not able to define time period criteria for each data category (in the future, if we start collecting and storing personal data, we will ask you to accept the new version of the privacy policy again before we change that on the Service).

User / Data Subject Rights

You have the right to:

  • confirm the existence of data processing by us;

  • request and access all of your personal information that is maintained by us;

  • request the correction of any wrong or inaccurate personal information;

  • request data portability of your personal information that are kept by us;

  • request the erasure of your personal information that is kept by us;

  • request a copy of your personal information in a reasonable format;

  • oppose any types of processing of your personal information that are performed by us;

  • request restriction of the processing of your personal information that are performed by us.

To exercise this right, just send an e-mail to, with the following information in the body of the e-mail, in order to be able to locate your personal data:

- Application name that your request refers to;

- Action you are requesting.

Please put in the e-mail title: "PERSONAL DATA REQUEST - <application name>", to facilitate the identification of the request.

If some information is missing for the execution of the request, we will contact you via email asking for clarification related to the request. Once the request is clarified, we will answer the request within the due date defined by the law (unless the request is too complex, then we may inform about the reasons of the complexity of your request and about the additional due date that we need as allowed by the law).

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

You have the right to do not provide consent for the processing of personal data, and as a consequence it will not be possible to use this service.

You also have the right to withdraw your consent to the collection and processing of personal data (initially given by accepting this privacy policy) at any time (not affecting the legal right that was given before withdrawing the consent). As we currently do not collect any personal data directly from you (if this changes in the future, you will be notified by having to accept the new version of the privacy policy), in order to withdraw your consent, you just need to uninstall the application (when you reinstall it the screen will appear to accept this privacy policy again).

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at