Call for papers

Important Dates

  • Paper Submission: February 10, 2022 (Extended)

  • Notification of Acceptance: February 20, 2022

  • Camera Ready Submission: February 25, 2022

  • Workshop: March 7, 2022, 9:00am to 6:00pm (EST)

Submission Guidelines

  • We invite short papers of max 2 pages (plus additional 2 pages for figures and references) on topics related to curiosity in HRI (see below).

  • Papers must be submitted in PDF format. All submissions must follow the ACM/IEEE HRI 2022 template. Templates are available at this link (US letter), use this link to work in overleaf directly.

  • Papers will be reviewed for their relevance, novelty, and scientific and technical soundness.

  • Submissions do not need to be anonymized.

  • All accepted papers will be linked to the workshop website.

  • We require at least one author to be registered for and attend the workshop for all accepted papers.

  • Selected papers will also be invited to send extended versions of their papers for a special issue in a journal.

Topics of Interest

  • Human perceptions of curious robots

  • Long-term HRI studies with curious robots

  • Tools and benchmarks for curiosity-driven learning

  • Challenges in curiosity-driven learning in HRI

  • Real-world applications of curious robots

  • Metrics for evaluating curiosity-driven learning in HRI

  • Curiosity-driven learning

  • Self-supervised learning

  • Intrinsic motivations

  • Active learning

  • Lifelong learning

  • Lifelong (Long-Term) human-agent or multi-agent interactions

  • Ethical and legal considerations for curiosity-driven learning in HRI