Microsoft Office Certification

Test Center

We are private test center and provide industry recognized, free Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) practice exams and certification testing testing to all students enrolled in the following disciplines.

  • Computer Applications & Office Technology
  • Computer Science
  • Computer Information Systems

Free MOS Exam Preparation

We offer free exam preparation software and practice time for students enrolled in CAT, CIS, and CSC classes. Students must

    • Provide/show a copy of their current WebAdvisor schedule to the lab personnel
    • Sign in and list the exam(s) for which you're practicing
    • Certification practice days are Friday and Saturday. Visit our Lab Schedule online for dates and times.

Free MOS Certification Testing

MOS Certification exams are scheduled by appointment

  1. Students must have at least attended one practice exam session previously before sitting for an exam. We will not allow walking in "cold" to take an exam (lab policy)
  2. Provide a copy of their current student ID or a valid state identification card or driver's license (Certiport exam requirement).
  3. Leave backpacks, phones, and bags at home or lock them in our lockers in the MLK lab (Certiport exam requirement).

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