Dr Rakesh C Barik

Principal Scientist 

Corrosion and Materials Protection Division

CSIR- Central Electrochemical Research Institute

Karaikudi- 630006, Tamil Nadu 

Associate Professor, Chemical Science, AcSIR PhD

Associate Professor, BTech Chemical and Electrochemical Engineering, CFE affiliated to Anna University, Chennai

Dr Rakesh Barik is a Corrosion Scientist within CSIR- Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu. 

Rakesh holds the degrees of MSc Chemistry from the Utkal University, Odisha, MTech in Corrosion Science and Engineering from IIT Bombay, India and PhD degree from national Centre for Advanced Tribology (nCATS) within Engineering Sciences of the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment at the University of Southampton, United Kingdom. He has got post doctoral research experience from the School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom in the area of CO2 research.

Rakesh has research interest in flow corrosion, solid particle erosion and erosion-corrosion interactions, mass transfer kinetics under hydrodynamics; self assembled monolayer for protection, potential dependence adsorption and desorption of organic inhibitor molecules; galvanic corrosion in heat exchangers; cathodic protection for oil and gas industries; biocorrosion, natural product as antifoulant; and design of high pressure cell for testing in supercritical fluid. He has been involved in studying on failure analysis of crude oil storage tank and evaluation of inhibitors for oil and gas industries. He has been working on various funded projects form CSIR, DST and various industries (IOCL, India, HPCL India and Boeing USA). He has published and presented several papers (h index- 5 and i10 index -4) and one book chapter in aspects of galvanic corrosion of coupled titanium and nickel aluminium bronze in marine environment. He has teaching experience in Corrosion Science at undergraduate (BTech in Chemical and electrochemical engineering) and PhD level (AcSIR PhD students). He is faculty in charge for Corrosion practical for BTech and experimental electrochemistry (Tafel, LPR) for PhD students. He is the technical coordinator and faculty for industry/academic oriented /technology courses on Cathodic Protection and Pipeline Corrosion for engineers, entrepreneurs and practitioner etc.



Contact: rakesh@cecri.res.in  Tel: 04565241373