RBSP Seminar Archive
Advances in Numerical Simulations in Space Plasmas: From Turbulence to Boundary Effects
24 May 2024, 12:00 ET US
Advantages and Limitations of Fluid Simulations at the Magnetopause
Matteo Faganello (matteo.faganello@univ-amu.fr, Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, PIIM UMR, Marseille, France)
Integration of Kinetic Approaches in Fluid Models for Astrophysical Turbulent Plasmas
Renaud Ferrand (renaud.ferrand@cea.fr, CEA, DAM, DIF, Arpajon, France)
ELFIN: Electron Losses and Fields Investigation
15 March 2024, 12:00 ET US
Overview of ELFIN Results in the Inner Magnetosphere
Xiaojia Zhang (xjzhang@utdallas.edu, University of Texas, USA)
Overview of ELFIN Results in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet
Anton Artemyev (aartemyev@igpp.ucla.edu, University of California Los Angeles, USA)
Colorado Inner Radiation Belt Experiment (CIRBE) Mission: REPTile-2 Measurements and First Results
16 February 2024, 12:00 ET US
Xinlin Li and CIRBE Team (Xinlin.Li@lasp.colorado.edu, University of Colorado, LASP, USA)
Particle Diffusion in Radiation Belts
1 December 2023, 12:00 ET US
Modeling the Effect of Radial Transport on Radiation Belt Intensity: Time for a Paradigm Shift?
Solène Lejosne (solene@berkeley.edu, Space Sciences Laboratory, Berkeley, USA)
A Revisit of Quasilinear Theory to Calculating Diffusion Coefficients in Heliophysics
Gregory Cunningham (cunning@lanl.gov, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)
2022 Heliophysics SMEX Concepts
27 October 2023, 11:00 ET US
Magnetospheric Auroral Asymmetry Explorer (MAAX)
Michael Liemohn (liemohn@umich.edu, University of Michigan, USA)
Cross-scale Investigation of Earth’s Magnetotail and Aurora (CINEMA)
Robyn Millan (Robyn.Millan@dartmouth.edu, Dartmouth College, USA)
Craig Kletzing's Legacy in Space Plasma Physics: A Tribute Seminar
29 September 2023, 12:00 ET US
Craig Kletzing: An Emphasis on EMFISIS
Dave Hartley (david-hartley@uiowa.edu, University of Iowa, USA)
Craig Kletzing Sets an Example of an Experimental Space Physicist
Ondrej Santolik (os@ufa.cas.cz, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Czech Republic)
Craig Kletzing, Rocket Scientist
Scott Bounds (Scott-Bounds@uiowa.edu, University of Iowa, USA)
Craig Kletzing and the Large Plasma Device
Jim Schroeder (jim.schroeder@wheaton.edu, Wheaton College, USA)
TRACERS Science and Craig Kletzing
Stephen Fuselier (stephen.fuselier@swri.org, Southwest Research Institute, USA)
Space Weather Impacts of Near-Earth Particle Radiation
26 May 2023, 12:00 ET US
Natural Space Environment (NSE) Effects on Space Flight System Design and Operations
Justin Likar (justin.likar@jhuapl.edu, Applied Physics Laboratory Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Predicting Outer Van Allen Belt Dynamics with the Prototype SafeSpace Service
Yannis Daglis (iadaglis@phys.uoa.gr, University of Athens, Greece)
Machine Learning in Space Weather Prediction
28 April 2023, 12:00 ET US
Inner Magnetospheric Environment Reconstruction and Explainability
Jacob Bortnik (jbortnik@gmail.com, University of California Los Angeles, UCLA)
Data-Driven Discovery of the Fokker-Planck Equation for the Earth's Radiation Belts Using Machine Learning
Enrico Camporeale (enrico.camporeale@noaa.gov, University of Colorado/NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center, USA)
Radiation Belts Across the Solar System
24 March 2023, 12:00 ET US
Extraterrestrial Radiation Belts: Energetic Particle Measurements, Time Variability, and Loss Processes
Quentin Nénon (q.nenon@gmail.com, Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP), France)
Acceleration and Loss in the Radiation Belts of the Solar System: Wave-Particle Interactions and Radial Transport
Emma Woodfield (emmwoo@bas.ac.uk, British Antarctic Survey, UK)
Recent Highlights from Arase (JAXA) Mission
24 February 2023, 12:00 ET US
Overview of Arase Observation: Some Highlights from Conjugate Observations with Van Allen Probes
Yoshizumi Miyoshi (miyoshi@isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp, Nagoya University, Japan)
Relative Contribution of Waves to the Radiation Belt Variation During May 2017 Storm
Naoko Takahashi (n.takahashi@nict.go.jp, NICT, Japan)
Multipoint Measurements of Fine-Structured EMIC Waves by Arase, Van Allen Probe A, and Ground Stations
Shoya Matsuda (matsuda@staff.kanazawa-u.ac.jp, Kanazawa University, Japan)
Solar Energetic Particles in Heliosphere and Geospace
27 January 2023, 12:00 ET US
A Heliospheric View of Solar Energetic Particle Events
Ian Richardson (ian.g.richardson@nasa.gov, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA)
Solar Energetic Particle Access to the Magnetosphere, a Comparison of 4 SEP Events Measured with RBSP
Rachael Filwett (rachael-filwett@uiowa.edu, University of Iowa, USA)
Spacecraft Exploration and Physics Modeling of the Earth’s Ring Current
28 October 2022, 12:00 ET US
Observing Global Geospace in Mesoscale Resolution
Matina Gkioulidou (Matina.Gkioulidou@jhuapl.edu, Space Physics Group, SES, Applied Physics Laboratory, USA)
Build-up of the Storm-Time Ring Current via Mesoscale Plasma Sheet Flows
Anthony Sciola (Anthony.Sciola@jhuapl.edu, Space Physics Group, SES, Applied Physics Laboratory, USA)
Observations of Cold Plasma Density and its Role in Radiation Belt Dynamics
30 September 2022, 12:00 ET US
Observations and Modeling of Cold Plasma Density and How it Affects Wave Dynamics in the Radiation Belts
David Hartley (david-hartley@uiowa.edu, University of Iowa, USA)
Electron acceleration during periods of low plasma density
Hayley Allison (hayley.allison@gfz-potsdam.de, GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences, Germany)
Particle Radiation Impacts on Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Mesoshpere System
22 April 2022, 12:00 ET US
The Impact of Radiation Belt Electrons on Mesospheric Dynamics
Hilde Nesse Tyssøy (Hilde.Nesse@uib.no, University of Bergen, Norway)
Forcing of the Lower Thermosphere/Middle Atmosphere by High-Energy Electron Precipitation in a 1-D Coupled Neutral and Ion Chemistry Model
Esa Turunen (esa.turunen@oulu.fi, University of Oulu, Finland)
Radiation Belt Physics through Active Experiments
25 March 2022, 12:00 ET US
Overview of SMART Theory and Experiment
Chris Crabtree (chris.crabtree@nrl.navy.mil, Plasma Physics Division, Naval Research Laboratory)
Modeling VLF Wave Dynamics in the Magnetosphere
Steve Richardson (steve.richardson@nrl.navy.mil, Plasma Physics Division, Naval Research Laboratory)
What Can We Learn About Energetic Particle Processes From Laboratory Experiments?
25 February 2022, 12:00 ET US
Laboratory-Space Experiments Reveal Wave-Particle Processes in Magnetospheres
Michael Mauel (mem4@columbia.edu, Department of Applied Physics, Columbia University)
Understanding Magnetospheric Wave Excitation and Wave Particle Interactions Through Laboratory Observations
Jacob Bortnik (jbortnik@gmail.com, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, UCLA)
Intense Particle Radiation of Jupiter
28 January 2022, 12:00 ET US
Particle Origins, Acceleration & Losses in Jupiter’s Giant Magnetosphere
George Clark (George.Clark@jhuapl.edu, Space Physics Group, SES, Applied Physics Laboratory)
Unusual Magnetospheric Topology of Jovian Magnetosphere: Results from the GAMERA MHD Code
Binzheng Zhang (binzheng@ucar.edu, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Hong Kong)
Center for Geospace Storms (CGS): Transforming the Understanding and Predictability of Space Weather
20 May 2022, 12:00 ET US
Slava Merkin (slava.merkin@jhuapl.edu, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA)
Kareem Sorathia (kareem.sorathia@jhuapl.edu, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA)
Dong Lin (ldong@ucar.edu, National Center for Atmospheric Research/High Altitude Observatory, USA)
Shanshan Bao (sb39@rice.edu, Rice University, USA)
Adam Michael (adam.michael@jhuapl.edu, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA)