Week 5

Purchasing weapon.

first click one empty incon to buy the weapon, lab station or mining.

then choose which one you want to buy and the cost is shown on the right hand side

after you choose a weapon, it will taggle how much money left

if you have the weapon then build a lab station, the weapons will upgrade to higher level


click the left downside button to open the map

on the map you can see your location and enemy's location, your is blue icon and enemy's is in red icon

choose one enemy you can choose to attack them

then you have to choose a weapon to attack them

Then a information will taggle and the weapon you choosed is used and removed from you station.

Random Talk interactor

Animated GIF

We scanned every 10 images per second in game Don't Starve Together to finished this Wizard Object. Unfortunately because the time is limited, this wizard does not have dialog animation and sound.

There is an character icon on the right downside of the mainpage when you click it, it will randomly say something.


Mining, this will still work even we log out the game, we rent a google cloud VM instances to help us manage data. According to our script, it would scan the users who have mine object, and distribute money to them.

you first click an empty field to purchase the mining

and choose mining to purchase

then you can see the mining (mountain shown in the image) is added to the station

then the money will increase 1 dollar for every 12 second

Video Demo