A New World Is Possible

We, the Citizens Of The World are calling forth a community and resource based system-redesign: a new socio-economic structure, highly automated, money-less society that facilitates human fulfillment and ecological sustainability.

We stand at a critical moment in Earth’s history, a time when humanity must choose its future. To move forward we must recognize that in the midst of a magnificent diversity of cultures and life forms we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny. We must join together to bring forth a sustainable global society founded on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace. Towards this end, it is imperative that we, the peoples of Earth,declare our responsibility to one another, to the greater community of life, and to future generations. (Earth Charter endorsed by 6k orgs)

We issue a call to action to transition to a Resource Based Economy, the careful application of *“The Scientific Method” for human concern and holistic social design in which automation and technology will be intelligently integrated to meet our basic needs and maximize our quality of life. It is a cultural shift from guilt and condemnation to personal and social responsibility. Free access replacing ownership and collaboration replacing competition.

When enough of the global population agrees to this system-redesign, we will stop consenting to the old paradigm and we will begin to utilize our natural abilities to work together to create an abundant and peaceful world. The time to end these hierarchical systems of government is now ; politics, man-made laws, and the dominance of an economy and culture driven by MONEY, the primary tool of enslavement used to control and inhibit our true progress. We will utilize science and technology to its fullest extent, ridding ourselves of the wasteful practices that are no longer relevant and the jobs that contribute nothing to this new paradigm. We will continue toward automation of every job or task that can be performed by machines, freeing humanity to a degree that had not been possible until now.

WE The People, are calling on the experts in all fields of life to help organize and account for Earth's carrying capacity. We are calling for a scientific and technical alliance towards problem solving without the interference of money or politics to initiate global unification and ecosystem restoration. We call on alternative media to make humanity's progress, collaboration and golden innovations visible.

The current system of ethics, politics, and economy is an artifact of human design. We reinforce the limitations inherent in the system and impose it on each other by consenting or acquiescing to it. The global system is unjust, violent, and causing unnecessary suffering. We are sitting on the power to change it. So let us stand up now, united in all our city centers. Let us rise up, focused and centered in our humanity to demonstrate peacefully, to passively resist, and make way for a new global operating system. A system that makes ecological restoration and collective happiness the measures of success rather than profit.

We are saying NO to the current life extinguishing system and YES to a system that has reverence for all life.

1. Food, Environment, & Water 2. Health, Wellness, & Family 3. Science, Technology, & Energy 4. Housing, Infrastructure, & Transport 5. Arts & Culture 6. Resource Sharing & Economics 7. Ancient Wisdom 8. Justice, Sovereignty, & Governance 9. Spirituality & Personal Development 10. Relations, Peacebuilding, & Community 11. Learning & Education 12. Media & Communications.

We agree to the following Principles:

Please declare your support by becoming a signatory at Free World Charter endorsed by 56k. See further descriptions here.

  • The highest concern of humanity is the combined common good of all living species and biosphere.
  • Life is precious in all its forms, and free to flourish in the combined common good.
  • Earth's natural resources are the birthright of all its inhabitants, and free to share in the combined common good.
  • Every human being is an equal part of a worldwide community of humans, and a free citizen of Earth.
  • Our community is founded on the spirit of cooperation and an understanding of nature, provided through basic education.
  • Our community provides the necessities for a healthy, fulfilling and sustainable life for all its members, freely and without obligation.
  • Our community respects the limits of nature and its resources, ensuring minimal consumption and waste.
  • Our community derives its solutions and promotes progress primarily through the application of logic and the best available knowledge.
  • Our community acknowledges its duty of care and compassion for members who are unable to contribute.
  • Our community acknowledges its responsibility to maintain a diverse and sustainable biosphere for all future life to enjoy.

We agree to the following Goals (Partially endorsed by 1.5m)

We agree to a Resource Based Economy, the careful application of *“The Scientific Method” for human concern, the creation of abundance for all, the automation of as much labor and decision making as practical, and a cultural shift from guilt and condemnation to personal and social responsibility. Free access will replace ownership, collaboration replace competition, and coercion will ultimately be eliminated.

We agree that our natural resources become the common heritage of all people and non-human animals, available to all, and the responsibility of all. To manage these resources intelligently and with the maximum efficiency, we nominate “Resource Management Teams” on a local level as well as regional and global. These will be comprised by people who are technologically oriented to help organize our resources in the most life-affirming ways. All information is made available to everyone, online and open source, and everyone can be involved, making sure that the most efficient systems are utilized.

We agree that ultimately money will not be used or recognized as a symbol of value or barter, nor will it be used to determine each person’s inherent value (life itself). Every Human is afforded what they need and require. In rare cases “net benefit rewards” can be used for luxury items that are truly scarce and are beyond the basic necessities. Net benefit is awarded to individuals only after it has been quantifiably demonstrated that people and the planet have benefitted from that action, disappears after one transaction and is non transferable. (Copiosis)

We agree to afford our Earth full recovery from man’s ravaging. We agree that intense, intimate cooperation across all continents is essential to reviving our Earth’s life systems. We collaborate to recover the oceans and waterways, the forests, the soil and atmosphere.

We agree that where conflict, aggression or poverty occurs, the immediate community, supported by the global community, will work to realize its immediate resolve.

We agree to redesign laws and develop new technology in order to protect people, their natural rights, personal choice and privacy, while still ensuring the sovereignty of all.

We agree to pull out of all wars and stop investing resources in the creation of future weapons. We agree to re-purpose the existing military infrastructure in life-affirming ways. We facilitate mediation and rehabilitation throughout the world in order to create security and comfort for all.

We agree to cooperate worldwide to re-orient military personnel and law enforcement departments into working to repair essential infrastructures, revive ecosystems, and help with the creation of sustainable water, energy, and food production systems.

We agree that we will arrive at decisions through an extensive collection and evaluation of information, and the informed consent of all individuals. These decisions will use the scientific method, consensus and liquid democracy without imposing choices on minorities.

We agree to cooperate without hierarchy and collaborate in all fields of life across all continents, to inform and educate each other without prejudice, so that everyone can choose from a self-empowering, truth-filled, transparent knowledge base, to enable everyone to pursue their interests, to contribute their natural gifts and acquired skill for the benefit of all.

We agree to keep working in our current positions and maintain present infrastructures while we are in transition to this new world.

We agree to practice compassion, kindness and forgiveness, beginning with ourselves and including our entire Human Family we transcend the polarities of Us vs Them into unity-consciousness.

*The Scientific Method:

1) Recognizing a new idea or a problem that needs to be solved.

2) The use of logical reasoning to create a hypothesis, considering all information available

3) Test the hypothesis in the physical world through observation.

Compilation from weagree, sharing.org, Steve Saylor, Mark Boyl, Yan Golding, Thomas Pogge, freeworlder, Venus Project, One Community Global, Earth Charter, Auravana, Copiosis