-About -



-Employee Of the Month-

4 years old

loves chicken

hates bath time

Founder & Artist

Elle Thomas

23 years old

loves art

hates cleaning paint off clothes

Co-Founder & Productivity Overseer


14 years old

loves clean laundry

hates everyone

excellent at her job

Quality Assurance & Chief Marketing Director


 4 years old

 loves lunchtime

 hates being left outside

gives big soft hugs

Hi, my name is Elle Thomas.

I'm 23, an Australian, and I love all types of art!

I have two cats, Mia and Beans and a Chihuahua, Nacho

They're a big part of the Razzle Art team, as you probably guessed.

I have been into painting and sketching since childhood, and its been a big way in which express myself. 

I finally registered my official business Razzle Art, as a professional artist in 2023. 

Now I am supported by you, my family and pets.

Thank you for just visiting my site,

and if you own some of my art, I cant thank you enough for supporting my dream!

Elle x