{ Raz Slutsky }

I'm a PhD student at the Weizmann Institute of Science. I'm mainly interested in discrete subgroups of Lie groups. I also like Invariant Random Subgroups and Characters of groups. My supervisor is Prof. Tsachik Gelander


A Quantitative Selberg's Lemma for Arithmetic Lattices, Joint with Tsachik Gelander (2023). Pre-print available on request.

A classical lemma of Selberg says that every finitely generated linear group contains a subgroup of finite index which is torsion-free. We give quantitative estimates on the index in terms of the co-volume for arithmetic lattices. This can be used to deduce certain results for lattices with torsion which were known only for torsion-free lattices. 

The Space of Traces of the Free Group and Free Products of Matrix Algebras, Joint with Joav Orovitz and Itamar Vigdorovich (2023). Pre-print

We show that the space of traces of the free group is a Poulsen simplex, i.e., every trace is a pointwise limit of extremal traces. We prove that this fails for many virtually free groups. Using a similar strategy, we show that the space of traces of the free product of matrix algebras is a Poulsen simplex as well, answering a question of Musat and Rørdam.

Spectral gap and character limits in arithmetic groups, Joint with Arie Levit and Itamar Vigdorovich (2023). Pre-print

We establish vanishing results for limits of characters in various discrete groups, most notably irreducible lattices in higher rank semisimple Lie groups. This is achieved by studying the geometry of the simplex of traces of discrete groups having Kazhdan's property (T) or its relative generalizations.

On the Asymptotic Number of Generators of High Rank Arithmetic Lattices, Joint with Alex Lubotzky (2022), Michigan Math. J.  (Special volume  in honor of G. Prasad).

We show that the minimal number of generators of non-uniform higher rank lattices is sub-linear in their co-volume, partially answering a conjecture of Abert, Gelander and Nikolov. We prove a quantitative bound which in most cases is optimal. This implies that the first Betti number with coefficients in any ring grows sub-linearly. Arxiv version here.

On the Minimal Size of a Generating Set of Lattices in Lie groups, (2020), Journal of Lie Theory. Joint with Tsachik Gelander.

Among other things, we show that lattices in an Amenable group are generated by at most C elements, where C depends only on the ambient group. This generalizes a result of Mostow from 1962. Arxiv version here.

Linear Variational Principle for Riemann Mappings and Discrete Conformality (2019), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sceinces, Joint with N. Dim and Y. Lipman.

We construct an efficient way to uniformly approximate the conformal map between two Lipschitz domains in the plane. Arxiv version here.


Email Address: raz.slutsky(at)weizmann.ac.il