{ Raz Slutsky }
I'm a mathematician interested in discrete subgroups of Lie groups. I also like Invariant Random Subgroups and traces on groups and their associated operator algebras. I am a Julia de Lacy Mann Fellow (post-doc) at Merton College, University of Oxford. Previously, I did my PhD under the supervision of Prof. Tsachik Gelander.
A Quantitative Selberg's Lemma for Arithmetic Lattices, Joint with Tsachik Gelander (2024). To appear in Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics. arXiv
The Space of Traces of the Free Group and Free Products of Matrix Algebras, Joint with Joav Orovitz and Itamar Vigdorovich (2025). Advances in Mathematics. Journal arXiv
Spectral gap and character limits in arithmetic groups, Joint with Arie Levit and Itamar Vigdorovich (2023). arXiv
On the Asymptotic Number of Generators of High Rank Arithmetic Lattices, Joint with Alex Lubotzky (2022), Michigan Math. J. (Special volume in honor of G. Prasad). Journal arXiv
On the Minimal Size of a Generating Set of Lattices in Lie groups, (2020), Journal of Lie Theory. Joint with Tsachik Gelander. Journal arXiv
Email Address: raz.slutsky(at)merton.ox.ac.uk