
Department of Earth Sciences

University of Oregon

Ray J. Weldon II

Interests: Neotectonics, Structural and Quaternary geology

Current Research: Paleoseismology, conditional probabilities and seismic hazard of ground-rupturing earthquakes. Slip rate, structure, kinematics, and evolution of faults and complex continental plate boundaries; currently working in Oregon, California, Asia (China, Kyrgyzstan), and SE Asia (Myanmar, Yunnan, and Thailand). Integrating modern geodesy, historical leveling and tidal records to map strain accumulation and relative sea level change, recently applied to Washington Coastal Resilience project on the Cascadia subduction zone.

Recent Publication: Weldon, R.J.II, Wen, X., Shi, X., Han, W., Li, T., in prep., Holocene Slip Rate of the Xianshuihe Fault, Eastern Tibet Plateau, Sichuan, China.

541-346-4584 • • 143 Cascade Hall