Warning: When creating workflows and actions, you should always consider whether your code might execute untrusted input from possible attackers. Certain contexts should be treated as untrusted input, as an attacker could insert their own malicious content. For more information, see "Security hardening for GitHub Actions."

GitHub Actions includes a collection of variables called contexts and a similar collection of variables called default variables. These variables are intended for use at different points in the workflow:

Contexts 3.4.2

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Contexts provide a mechanism for securing and sharing environment variables across projects. The environment variables are defined as name/value pairs and are injected at runtime. This document describes creating and using contexts in CircleCI.

If you have existing contexts (or environment variables) and you would like to rename your organization or repository, please follow the Rename organizations and repositories guide to make sure you do not lose access to contexts or environment variables in the process.

Add the context key to the workflows section of your .circleci/config.yml file for every job in which you want to use the variable. In the following example, the run-tests job will have access to the variables set in the org-global context. CircleCI cloud users can specify multiple contexts, so in this example run-tests will also have access to variables set in the context called my-context.

For any VCS enterprise installation that includes multiple organizations, the context names across those organizations must be unique. For example, if your GitHub Enterprise installation is named Kiwi and includes two organizations, you cannot add a context called deploy to both organizations. That is, the deploy context name cannot be duplicated in two organizations that exist in the same GitHub Enterprise installation for the Kiwi account. Duplicate contexts within an account will fail with an error.

You can combine several contexts for a single job by adding them to the context list. Contexts are applied in order, so in the case of overlaps, later contexts override earlier ones. This way, you can scope contexts to be as small and granular as you like.

Changes to security group restrictions for contexts might not take effect immediately due to caching. To make sure settings are applied immediately, it is best practice for the organization administrator to refresh permissions once the change has been made. The Refresh Permissions button can be found on the Account Integrations page.

CircleCI enables you to restrict secret environment variables by adding project restrictions to contexts. Only organization admins may add or remove project restrictions to a new or existing context. After a project restriction is added to a context, only workflows associated with the specified project(s) will have access to the context and its environment variables.

While contexts can be managed on the CircleCI web application, the CircleCI CLI provides an alternative method for managing the usage of contexts in your projects. With the CLI, you can execute several context-oriented commands.

Environment variables declared inside a shell command run step, for example FOO=bar make install, will override environment variables declared with the environment and contexts keys. Environment variables added on the contexts page will take precedence over variables added on the Project Settings page.

Environment variables and contexts may hold project secrets or keys that perform crucial functions for your applications. Secrets masking provides added security within CircleCI by obscuring environment variables in the job output when echo or print is used.

Contexts are dedicated modules that expose and group related functionality. For example, anytime you call Elixir's standard library, be it Logger.info/1 or Stream.map/2, you are accessing different contexts. Internally, Elixir's logger is made of multiple modules, but we never interact with those modules directly. We call the Logger module the context, exactly because it exposes and groups all of the logging functionality.

By giving modules that expose and group related functionality the name contexts, we help developers identify these patterns and talk about them. At the end of the day, contexts are just modules, as are your controllers, views, etc.

In Phoenix, contexts often encapsulate data access and data validation. They often talk to a database or APIs. Overall, think of them as boundaries to decouple and isolate parts of your application. Let's use these ideas to build out our web application. Our goal is to build an ecommerce system where we can showcase products, allow users to add products to their cart, and complete their orders.

Phoenix includes the mix phx.gen.html, mix phx.gen.json, mix phx.gen.live, and mix phx.gen.context generators that apply the ideas of isolating functionality in our applications into contexts. These generators are a great way to hit the ground running while Phoenix nudges you in the right direction to grow your application. Let's put these tools to use for our new product catalog context.

As we've seen, designing with contexts gives you a solid foundation to grow your application from. Using discrete, well-defined APIs that expose the intent of your system allows you to write more maintainable applications with reusable code. Now that we know how to start extending our context API, lets explore handling relationships within a context.

Sometimes it may be tricky to determine if two resources belong to the same context or not. In those cases, prefer distinct contexts per resource and refactor later if necessary. Otherwise you can easily end up with large contexts of loosely related entities. Also keep in mind that the fact two resources are related does not necessarily mean they belong to the same context, otherwise you would quickly end up with one large context, as the majority of resources in an application are connected to each other. To sum it up: if you are unsure, you should prefer separate modules (contexts).

Next, we wrote our new add_item_to_cart/2 function which accepts a cart struct and a product id. We proceed to fetch the product with Catalog.get_product!/1, showing how contexts can naturally invoke other contexts if required. You could also have chosen to receive the product as argument and you would achieve similar results. Then we used an upsert operation against our repo to either insert a new cart item into the database, or increase the quantity by one if it already exists in the cart. This is accomplished via the on_conflict and conflict_target options, which tells our repo how to handle an insert conflict.

We started by showing the empty cart message if our preloaded cart.items is empty. If we have items, we use the simple_form component provided by our HelloWeb.CoreComponents to take our cart changeset that we assigned in the CartController.show/2 action and create a form which maps to our cart controller update/2 action. Within the form, we use the inputs_for component to render inputs for the nested cart items. This will allow us to map item inputs back together when the form is submitted. Next, we display a number input for the item quantity and label it with the product title. We finish the item form by converting the item price to string. We haven't written the ShoppingCart.total_item_price/1 function yet, but again we employed the idea of clear, descriptive public interfaces for our contexts. After rendering inputs for all the cart items, we show an "update cart" submit button, along with the total price of the entire cart. This is accomplished with another new ShoppingCart.total_cart_price/1 function which we'll implement in a moment. Finally, we added a back component to go back to our products page.

Here is also a good opportunity to highlight that contexts can naturally work with data defined by other contexts too. This will be especially common with data that is used throughout the application, such as the cart here (but it can also be the current user or the current project, and so forth, depending on your project).

One important benefit of contexts is that this decision does not matter much. The context is your public API, the other modules are private. Contexts isolate these modules into small groups so the surface area of your application is the context and not all of your code.

So while you and your team could establish patterns for organizing these private modules, it is also our opinion it is completely fine for them to be different. The major focus should be on how the contexts are defined and how they interact with each other (and with your web application).

Think about it as a well-kept neighbourhood. Your contexts are houses, you want to keep them well-preserved, well-connected, etc. Inside the houses, they may all be a little bit different, and that's fine.

This specification defines "secure contexts", thereby allowing user agent implementers and specification authors to enable certain features only when certain minimum standards of authentication and confidentiality are met.

Multiple contexts may attach to a Shared Worker. If a secure context creates a Shared Worker, then it is a secure context, and may only be attached to by other secure contexts. If a non-secure context creates a Shared Worker, then it is not a secure context, and may only be attached to by other non-secure contexts.

The secure context definition in this document does not in itself have any privacy impact. It does, however, enable other features which do have interesting privacy implications to lock themselves into contexts which ensures that specific guarantees can be made regarding integrity, authenticity, and confidentiality. be457b7860

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